Tuesday May 27th, 2014

Posted: May 27, 2014

Media Studies: Radio. On Wednesday students will present their advertisements. Radio has changed so much over the years. A radio ad can be very effective in reaching the masses. However we need to understand the history of radio before we look at how it is used. Students will research and submit a paper on the History of Radio. Make sure that your paper addresses the following points: How was radio invented? How was it first used? What kind of programming was offered? Make sure you include important changes in radio (for example, music stations, talk shows) Can you find any science (psychological) about the power of sound. The birth of satellite radio. Listen to a radio and compare it to a TV ad. Due on Friday May 30th, 2014 Reading tutor: This week the students will be using the class as a study period. At this time of year students find it hard to complete all the course work before exams. The international students will have the extra time that they need and Canadian students will be there to help them. Theatre Arts: Students will present their musicals. Law 120: Today we will look at case law. Research the following. What is considered case law? When does a case become case law? Choose one canadian case.- summarize it. How does this case affect other cases? Choose one side of the case and write an argument as a law. back it up with evidence and research.  
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