Monday February 10th, 2014

Posted: February 10, 2014

Media Studies: 4 Principles of Media These four principles are: The media construct reality. The media have their own forms, codes and conventions. The media present ideologies and value messages. The media are businesses that have commercial interests. The Photoshop Effect Part 1: The Photoshop Effect Part 2: The Photoshop Effect Part 3: Reading Tutor: welcome all students to canada. 1-100- name games. Tale about "Home" Theatre Arts: Presentation of a Broadway Musical. Law 120- Canadian rights. What rights do we have as Canadians? What do we do if they are violated? Who can we talk to? Search and tell me 3 interesting things about the charter of rights and Freedoms. The need for the Charter of Rights/ Notwithstanding Clause. Charter of rights- You will write a paper on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in MLA format. Please use an ebco source. username- nbed \password: bigchalk paper1_canadian_charter_of_rights_and_freedoms.doc research_report_rubric2_0.doc
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