Monday February3rd, 2014

Posted: February 2, 2014

Media Studies: Students have been learning about Pop culture. Over the next few days students will create a piece of pop culture art. Students may work in groups (2-4) and develop an idea for pop culture art. Prepare your proposal for your art piece for teacher tomorrow. Develop your pop culture piece by answering the following questions as part of your write up that is due tomorrow.What is your definition of pop culture?Develop a list of 10 (school appropriate) things that reflects your generation (pop culture)Develop a list of items you need and who is bringing what.- assign who brings these items for next class day.Decide what message you want your popart to say or mean and why you want that message. (look for something that talks about your generation and its purpose. (Be serious about this)Art can include collages, paintings- (draft ideas)Reading Tutor: Welcome to new students. Each group is given a large piece of paper and Canadian students will talk with their Brazilian counterparts and draw and develop a chart to tell us about their Brazillian friend. Also students will begin to tag all items in the room with words so that students will know what they are. Ice breakers can be played as well. Tomorrow we will look at reading levels.Theatre Arts: Quiz is moved to tomorrow. Today students will spend the day researching for a musical theatre presentation. Choose a musical (first come, first serve) (Pairs) Summarize the musical/ awards/ failures/ Cast/ wow factors (unique effects or directing decisions for the show) - 10-15 slide powerpoint. (Include a song example and pictures. Talk about important elements such as: costume/ casting/ set design/ music/ lighting and effects/ props. You will present project on Thursday of this week.Law 120: Discussion of a court case. Research a current case, Justin Beiber, Amanda Knox, Woody Allen ect. A one page write up due tomorrow to show the following:Summary of the case (Usually 1/2 page)What is the media saying about it- both sidesWhat do you think should happen and why? (Due tomorrow)