Monday November 25th, 2013

Posted: November 25, 2013

History 112: Teach led discussion on How Hitler became a dictator. Students will then have the rest of class time to write an essay about the life of Hitler. This will demonstrate their understanding of the discussion and background information. Ancient History: Pericles and the Peloponnesian war. Students will look at theis general and look at the power of the spoken word. This Greek general used words to motivate and inspire Athenians. Page 147.(benchmark moment.) There are a number of people in history that inspired others with speech. Search the web to prepare a 1-2 page write up on a person who has used words to inspire a nation. Analyze the speech- what are they saying? Why did they say that? What was the result. Please keep the bio of the person short. Focus on the speech itself. Law: Students will begin their Law Court case today. Lawyers are handed their case files and the rest of the class is working on their "there ought to be a law against..." paper.
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