Wednesday January 9th, 2013

Posted: January 9, 2013

Digital Sound 120: Students have about 8 days left in class. The time will be given for students to complete one of the following. The mark on this assignment will be recorded as their exam mark for the course. Students will choose one of the areas and develop an audio project that shows their understanding of the skillset that was practiced in the course. 1.       Produce an original song: (Individual) a.       The song should range about 3-4 minutes in length b.      Original lyrics and melody line c.       The song should contain at least 3 track lines d.      The teacher should be given a hardcopy of the song. e.      Balance/ tempo/voice/ creativeness/ organization/audience 2.       Make an original movie: (Pairs) a.       Movie should be 5-10 minutes in length b.      At least 15 Foley tracks should be incorporated into the film. c.       Foley tracks should be made and recorded- (Fill out Foley planning sheet) d.      Original script submitted with effects and music score e.      Balance/pacing/ editing/ audience/ Plot/ Creativeness 3.       Produce an original 5 minute mystery: (individual) a.       Write an original script outlining the sound effects used b.      Have at least 20 sound effects c.       Use copyright free music or produce your own sound. d.      Create a soundscape for the story. e.      Voice/ characterization/ Plot/ Audience and balance will be key aspects in this production. Note: These projects are due in class on 18th January, 2013. Grading: 1.       Production- 70 % (end product) 2.       Class time used for production- 30% (you must be working on your production during class time)
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