Tuesday, Dec. 18/2012

Posted: December 18, 2012

***Follow me on Twitter!*** Get instant (or at least relatively quick) notification of recently uploaded videos and image galleries. Twitter  @mrpmacdonald I'll tweet upcoming importants dates and notes as well.   Check this awesome video out: Mr. MacDonald's Home Room Presents: Carol of the Cats   Physics 112 Introduction to Refraction physics_112_refraction_dec_18.pdf physics_112_em_spectrum_dec_17.pdf Physics 122 Circular Motion: Circular speed, centripetal acceleration and force, banked and unbanked turns. All problems on page 23, 25, and 26 in the physics_122_problem_set.pdf should be complete for Wednesday, Dec. 19. physics122_circular_motion_dec_13.pdf physics122_circular_motion_dec_12.pdf jaredp1_corner.mov jaredp1_loop.mov josh_corner.mov josh_loop.mov