Monday November 19th, 2012

Posted: November 19, 2012

Digital Sound: Students continue their recordings. By this time students should have submitted in their proposal for their radio show and should have script finished by tomorrow. Also remember to have your sound effects recorded for your Foley project. Law 120: Students have just watched a documentary on Allan Legre. This case documented the first use of DNA in a conviction for Canada. With the information that you have learned, please answer the follow questions: (To be handed in at the end of class) Establish a background of the suspect - (This is your background biography) How was he caught?  What was his crime under the criminal code, identify section. What evidences provided support to the crown's case against Legere? What was his sentence? Please include a work cited page and any questions that you may have about the case at the end of your write up. Computer science 110: Students continue to work on their online study.  
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