Tuesday September 18th, 2012

Posted: September 18, 2012

Period #2- DIGITAL SOUND 120  Refer to the following Websites for the following questions :  http://geek.thekramms.com/Oreilly/webdesign/audio/ch02_01.htm http://geek.thekramms.com/Oreilly/webdesign/audio/ch02_02.htm   1. Explain the difference between the Psychophysical Perception of Sound and the Scientific Quantification of Sound. (Value 5) 2. Describe the range of Auditory Perception.  What is the range that humans can hear? (Value 3) 3. What are the 3 elements that sound is composed of?  Give a detailed explanation of each. (Value 6) 4. What are the two sets of Binary Values that represent digitized wave forms? Give a detailed explanation of each. (Value 6) When you finish- open up audacity and try to get familiar with the software. Here are some youtube videos that may help you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=349yB-C9JJE&feature=related- downloading/ mp3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=gT3fQ1Szabc- Editing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0prhAjEdY6k&feature=related- Mixing Period #3 and Period #4  Law 120-  Canadian rights. What rights do we have as Canadians? What do we do if they are violated? Who can we talk to? Search and tell me 3 interesting things about the charter of rights and Freedoms. The need for the Charter of Rights/ Notwithstanding Clause. Public pressure prevails Page 82 discussed. Charter of rights-  http://www.pch.gc.ca/ddp-hrd/canada/guide/index-eng.cfm Period #6- Computer Science: Quiz #2 and assignment #1 due Wednesday. Assignment 2 should be due on Friday.