Posted: May 2, 2012
Eng 112 - CHAPTERS 1-7 TEST ON MONDAY! You will also be passing in the first seven chapters of your packet.
Chapter 7
1. Page 110-111 What concerns does Ralph have as he stares out to sea?
2. Page 111 “…you’ll get back.” What does this tell us about Simon?
3. Page 112 Ralph has a memory of life before the island. What is it? Why is it significant that it appears here in the text? What does it tell us about Ralph?
4. Page 114-115 The dance involving Robert is described as a frenzy. How is this ritual dance different from others?
5. In this chapter, Ralph for the first time enters the world of the hunter. This should bring him closer to Jack, but it doesn’t. Why? Why does Jack hate Ralph?