Posted: February 13, 2012
Broadcast Journalism
How to write a newspaper article. Students will be given a copy of the inverted pyramid. From this students will learn about writing the lead for a story. Discussion- what makes a good story. Brainstorm ideas for good stories in our community. (10 minutes) Writing a lead- PowerPoint posted on the website. How to write a lead and examples of good leads.? (Continue story writing)- The 5 Ws 1H. Conclusion and title.
History 120
Students will work on worksheet #1- The French revolution. The causes of the revolution 1 Assignment. Students will have their choice of doing either extension or answering the questions.
Law 120-
Complete all Notes on the category of Laws. Discuss Law cases. Students are to bring court cases to class. In each of the court case we will discuss who the Plaintiff and defendants are, what were the violations and potential outcomes. Teacher will also try to have students understand that some cases can be controversial.