Posted: May 30, 2011
Period 1- Ancient History- LAB Paper due Thursday June 2nd, 2011Have students view the following this comedy sketch students will see how the Romans have contributed to our lives. Students will spend the next three days writing a paper entitled, “why have the Romans done for us?” This historical significance paper will ask students to research and develop a 2-3 page 12 font double spaced paper on what the Romans have brought to our lives. They can look at the chapters in the book 8-9 and research on the Internet. They need to include sites and must be put into their own words.Period #2- Media Studies- Students will develop and examine an idea for an app. Designed on Photoshop. #4- same as Period #1- LAB Period #5- Study Block- room 661- music room- grad choir normally meets here. Period #6- Theatre Arts- HONK Practice