Mrs. McLean - Archive - 12/14 Notes

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Posted: November 13, 2014

Posted: November 12, 2014

    What is the author's message in the book? What devices does he/she use to communicate the theme of the book? Analyze the conflicts, characters, setting, text features (structure, diary format, short story format, memoir format, timeline) images, symbols and anything else they may use to generate meaning.   Book Question #3

Posted: November 11, 2014

1.       Answer the big question and paragraph/sentence form.  Describe your experience with your book over the past week.  Include plot, your thoughts, important quotations. 2.       In their shoes: Over the years you read and heard many stories.  Imagine you are the main   character or person (non-fiction) in the story you are reading.  Think about the conflicts the encounter, describe them with specific evidence (quotations and citations) from the book and then describe how you handle their conflict or situation if you were in their shoes.    

Posted: November 5, 2014

consonance - repetition of consonant sounds She sells seashells by the seashore. alliteration - Peter Piper picked a pack of pickle peppers.   assonance - the fire is shining bright oxymoron - pretty ugly onomatopoeia - boom, clap internal rhyme - lose yourself in music, the moment you own it metaphor - you are ice simile - you are as cold as ice parallel structure - repetition to bring attention or to get a point across      

Posted: October 29, 2014

Dramatization of "The Raven" -  

Posted: October 28, 2014

English 112 - Article of the Week Tuesday -independent novel study question of the week due today (Period 1 and 3) -independent novel study question of the week due tomorrow (Period 4)  

Posted: October 20, 2014

112 - Article of the Week (Ferguson)

Posted: October 16, 2014

Article of the Week - Oct. 15 Protest Song (in class) - Oct. 17 Election Research/Persuasive Essay - Oct. 3 Bibliography (above essay) - Oct. 3 Notes (above essay) - Oct. 3 Article of the Week - Youth Organization Wants Voting Age lowered to 16 (from September)

Posted: October 14, 2014

1.   Select a protest song (they already know what this is) and find the lyrics 2.   Write 5 or more notes in a word document on the bio of the artist/group 3.   Write a paragraph (5 + sentences) about what they think is the main theme of the song with references to the lyrics of the song in their paragraph to support their statements E.g. John Lennon sees the dangers of country borders in the song “Imagine” when he says, “imagine there’s no countries,” (Lennon 1971) 4.   Look at rubric (also saved on my teacher page documents) 5.   Tell students to save on their H:/ drive (student school storage drive ) 6.   To be done by the end of class

Posted: September 23, 2014

Research Notes - complete by end of class tomorrow If you are having difficulty, email me tonight at kendra.mclean@nbed.n or come see me tomorrow in my room at 11:30.  b.caPersuasive Research Essay - Due Tuesday, Sept. 30 (tentative)***Remember, with the persuasive research essay, you are passing in video debate notes, platform/secondary sources notes and a bibliography.   

Posted: September 23, 2014

Student Fees Due $40 (must be paid if you want to go to the dance)Sign Ins for the dance must be done for tomorrow (Wednesday) morningEnglish 112 - Notes for project should be complete by the end of class Wednesday (will check progress)

Posted: September 16, 2014

 Article of the Week: due by the end of class WednesdayQuotation: Why Vote? due FridayOngoing - research for your persuasive essay

Posted: September 16, 2014

Use your JMH email, if possible.  If you don’t have a current student account, inform me and I will put in a formal request for you to get one. Email Your Candidate Lesson: Get a list of email addresses or go to the site and fill out the Contact Us” form or email the candidate if the address is available.  In a word document: Step 1: Introduce yourself                                                Step 2: Type 5 questions Step 3: Get questions checked orally by teacher Step 4: Save Step 5: Paste email into the form/email page Possible question topics: 1.     Jobs 2.     Education 3.     Healthcare 4.     Post-secondary 5.     Shale gas 6.     Cost of medicine 7.     Nursing Home beds 8.     Taxes Some question starters: ·        How are you going to… ·        What are you going to do about… ·        Why … ·        What are your plans for…

Posted: September 14, 2014

"Why do you vote?"  Ask someone in your life who is 18+, whose opinion you value, why they vote.  Bring in the direct quotation.  Your source may be anonymous, if they choose. 

Posted: September 12, 2014

Liberal - Brian GallantPeople's Alliance - Kris AustinProgressive Conservative - David AlwardGreen Party - David CoonNew Democratic Party - Dominic Cardy
