Posted: February 22, 2011
Period #1- Ancient History
Objective: Students will analyze and report on the different social structure of Mesopotamia. The importance of law.
Students are divided into groups and have to read and lead a discussion with the class on their section.They will explain the information and give the three most important notes in their sections. Compare the information found to modern day times. What are the similarities and the differences. Due tomorrow. These notes will be part of their unit test.
Period 2- Media Studies
Objective: Students will examine how to deconstruct media/ Codes and conventions.
Students can take the time to finish their media triangle deconstruction of media text assignment. For the students that are finished they will start on the Subliminal messages paper or finish script for their codes and convention presentation.
Period #4- Ancient Historysame as Period #1- Students in this class are using the information to make songs. They have randomly chosen a musical style and as section of the text about Mesopotamia. Songs need to be completed by Wednesday. Due tomorrow.
Period #6- Theatre Arts
Objective: students will research and develop a list of interview problems and generate a video to create interview awareness.Script is generated and recording begin on Friday and conclude on Monday. Have script ready for recording.
labs are available for uploading video. Project is Due on Thursday.- Presented in class.