Mme. Plourde

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Posted: September 23, 2016


Tue, Sep 27/16 9:32 am

Quiz - vitesse

Posted: September 20, 2016


Tue, Sep 27/16 12:36 pm

Test on Tuesday, September 27th.   The test is on the scientifics, the microscopes, the cell componants and their functions and the cell division (mitosis).

Posted: June 9, 2016

Voici les réponses des feuilles de révision.  Physique est en premier, chimie est en deuxième.

PDF icon revision_-_reponses.pdf6.95 MB

Posted: March 18, 2016

Le tableau est dû ce lundi (le 21 mars).

Due Date: 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Posted: March 18, 2016

Le projet est dû ce lundi (21 mars)

Due Date: 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Posted: December 3, 2014

There will be a test on the chemistry unit on Friday, December 5th.

Posted: November 24, 2014

Quiz Wednesday on Mesopotamia

Posted: November 24, 2014

Quiz Wednesday on everything we saw so far (after the test):elements, atoms, compounds, molecules, periodic table, atomic theory.

Posted: October 30, 2014


Sun, Nov 9/14 8:00 pm
Test on Chapter 1

Posted: October 30, 2014

Test on Monday, November 10th - Chapter 1 (Lab safety, physical and chemical properties, physical and chemical transformations, corrosion and combustion).
