Mrs. MacMillan

Teacher Page

Posted: October 5, 2020

No big change since Friday's post folks.

Test for group A is on Thursday and group B Wednesday.

Today, we began to critique an example of a poorly written suvey. Group A you will get this tomorrow.

Any questions, feel free to message me on my email.



Posted: October 2, 2020

 Hi guys,

 If you have not finished your Career Planning project, please make sure you get it in to me a.s.a.p.  My email is :

Those who are finished the above can begin doing research on their new project on abuse and combatting abuse/violence (bullying,etc.). We will continue working on this in the lab next week.

Have a great weekend all!! :)


Posted: October 2, 2020

Hi folks, here is your latest assignment: Track A: due Tuesday and Track B: Monday

Read pages 54 to 57, Do questions 1,3,4,5 on page 57

Read section on ethics, pages 58 to 62

Review for test: B group will be Wednesday, A group will be Thursday. Test is on sociological imagination, theorists, theoretical perspectives, research methods covered to date and any terms we covered. Test will consist of matching and three longer answer questions: on applying the sociological imagination, sociological theories and designing research.

Also, please work on Tasks 4 and 5 for final research project.

:)  Have a great weekend all!!



Hi guys,

A number of you still have Sociology text books. Could you please get in touch with me to make an appt to return them, or remember them when you come to pick up your report cards?


Mrs. M



Posted: June 3, 2020

Hi guys!

For those of you on my caller list, I am emailing this week instead. Those that do not have access to a computer; will be receiving their check-in via telephone as per usual.

Mrs. M


Posted: April 29, 2020

PDCP/BBT9: Hi guys! I hope everyone is doing well on their PowerPoint and Newsletter assignments. Nothing new this week, still collecting a number of finished projects, and that's awesome! Love to hear from a few more of you. Will post something new next week for you to try. Please send finished work to Thanks :)


Sociology 120: Hope all is going well out their guys! Love to hear from you.

Posted: April 22, 2020

Hi guys!,

I had a couple of you (so far) unable to access MS Publisher to do a newsletter. If that's the case for you, you can use MS Word. Just go into Word, click on New and in the search box, type in newsletter, you should get a bunch of templates come up.

Hope that helps! :)

Posted: April 22, 2020

 April 22, 2020


Good morning folks!

Something new for you to try if you have Microsoft Publisher at home. Play around with the software a bit first in order to familiarize yourself with it. There is no rush nor panic about it, you have lots of time, but just give it a go :)

There are some instructions in the attached document.

Email me if you need some help.

Posted: April 20, 2020

Week of April 20-24

Hi folks! Hoping everyone had a nice weekend.


I am still receiving lots of Power Point projects, so I won't post anything new until Wednesday. Please check back then. Reminder that my email is for project submission.


Sociology 120: Hopefully folks are working on their projects. It's been awful quiet out there. Looking forward to hearing from you.





Good morning all!

I hope everyone had a safe, happy and relaxing Easter weekend.

PDCP/BBT9: This week folks, you can keep going on the projects I posted last week. Some of you have sent me your finished work; awesome jobs! If you are finished, you'll get a little break this week. Next week, I will post a new project for you to work on. Those of you on my weekly calling list, I will be calling tmr (Wednesday) afternoon to check in and see how you are doing. If you have questions about anything I can help with, my email is:

Sociology 120: Keep working on your research projects please guys. If you want some feedback, you can send me something in e-mail to look over, with any questions you have; or if a phone call is better, just send me an email with the phone number you want me to use. Looking forward to hearing from you.

To all, a safe and happy week!

Miss you!

Mrs. M
