Mrs. Moran


Posted: October 13, 2015

Math 9:Please complete #4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 on p. 55 - 56. Math 110:Please complete the Finance Test Review that was handed out in class.  The unit test on Finance (Banking and Budgeting) will be tomorrow! Biology 122:Today we completed the notes on Inheritance (14-2) and Human Chromosomal Abnormalities.  Please remember to get a copy of the notes if you were absent from class.  Your test on Mendelian Genetics and Inheritance will be on Friday.

Posted: October 6, 2015

Math 9:Please complete #11, 12, 14(c,d only), 19(c,d only) and 21 from the review questions in the book (p.144 - 145).There will be a major UNIT TEST tomorrow in class. Math 110:Please complete the review sheet on Simple and Comopound Interest that was handed out in class today.  

Posted: October 5, 2015

Math 9:Please complete #1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10ab on p. 144.  There will be a TEST on the Rational Numbers unit on Wednesday. Math 110:Please complete # 3 - 6 (Compound Interest) on p. 236 - 237. Biology 122:Please read section 14-1(p. 341 - 348) in the text.  Take note of the Pedigree Charts.

Posted: October 2, 2015

Math 9:Please complete #4, 5, 7ab, 8 on p. 140.  There will be a unit test on Wednesday next week! Math 110:Please complete the worksheet on Compound Interest that was handed out in class. Biology 122:Please complete the Exploring Mendelian Genetics problem sheets that were handed out in class.

Posted: October 1, 2015

Math 9:Please attempt questions #1 - 6 on the Order of Operations worksheet that was handed out in class

Posted: September 30, 2015

Math 9:No homework today.  We did several examples in class working with the order of operations. Math 110:Please complete # 6 - 9 (only need to make up ONE question for #9) on p. 233. There will be a short QUIZ tomorrow in class on bank accounts, budgets and simple interest. Biology 122:Please complete the Punnett Square activity sheet (#1 - 5) and the review sheet on section 11-1 (Mendel's work.)

Posted: September 28, 2015

Math 9:Please  complete #3 - 8 on p. 127 (Multiplying Rational Numbers.) Math 110:Please complete the worksheet on Simple Interest (#1 - 10).

Posted: September 23, 2015

Math 9:No homework today.  We wrote a quiz on sections 3.1 - 3.3.  If you were absent, please make arrangements to write the quiz when you return. Math 110:Please complete the Budget Assignment and pass it in, if you have not already done so. Biology 122:There will be a test on Friday on Mitosis, Cellular Reproduction and Meiosis.  Please complete the following review questions from the textbook.  Answers are posted below.  We will continue review in tomorrow's class.p. 257 - 258 # 1 - 10, # 12, 14, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25p. 283 # 7, 8, 9, 19, 20 

Posted: September 22, 2015

Math 9:Please complete the following questions from the Mid-Unit Review on p. 121:  #1, 3, 6, 7, 8There will be a QUIZ tomorrow on everything from sections 3.1 - 3.3 (rational numbers, adding and subtracting.) Math 110:Please finish and pass in the Budget Assignment, if you have not already done so.Complete the Budget review question sheet from class. Biology 122:Read the section on Meiosis from the textbook (11-4) and start reviewing your notes from class.  Take note of the difference between meiosis in males and females!There will be a TEST on Friday.  We will finish Meiosis tomorrow, and start review.

Posted: September 21, 2015

Math 9:Please complete #8, #9 on p. 119.  There will be a QUIZ on Wednesday this week. Math 110:Please complete the Budget assignment that was handed out in class today. Biology 122:Please review all notes from class.  There will be a test on Friday.
