Mrs. Moran


Posted: October 28, 2011

Biology 122:  Today we participated in the "What's Your Type?" event hosted by Canadian Blood Services.  Please complete your DNA Extraction Lab Report and pass it in by Monday, if you have not already done so.      Biology 112: There will be a short QUIZ on Monday, on Classification.  Please complete the review assigned in class to help you prepare. (Classification Crossword Puzzle;  p. 465 #1 - 5, 8 - 10, 12 - 14, 22 - 25, 28 - 30.)    

Posted: October 27, 2011

Biology 112: Please complete the Dichotomous Key activity from class today and pass it in, if you have not already done so. There will be a QUIZ on Classification on Monday, October 31.    Biology 122: Today we did the DNA Extraction Lab.  Tomorrow we will work on completing the Data & Results and Discussion & Conclusions sections of the lab report. Also, a reminder that tomorrow we will have visitors from Canadian Blood Services who will be conducing a "What's Your Type?" blood typing analysis for anyone who wishes to participate.  If you are not at least 17 years of age, please remember to bring in your signed consent form so that you may participate.

Posted: October 12, 2011

Biology 112: Please complete the review sheet that was handed out in class.  Also, a reminder to hand in your Dialysis Tube Lab Report, if you have no already done so.   Biology 122: There will be a UNIT TEST tomorrow.  Please review all notes and review sheets from class.  The answers to the Mitosis & Meiosis crossword puzzle are attached below.

Posted: October 7, 2011

Biology 112: Today we did an experiment modelling Cell Membranes, and worked on writing up the Data and Results.  Please have a draft completed of the Data and Results, and Discussion and Conclusions sections for Tuesday.  We will finish discussing the lab on Tuesday, and you will pass in your final copy on Wednesday.   Biology 122: Please answer questions # 1 - 5 on p. 353.  Read the article on p. 354, and prepare an answer for question #2.  Be prepared for a class discussion regarding legal and ethical issues surrounding DNA testing on Tuesday.

Posted: October 5, 2011

Biology 112: Today we started to study Cell Membranes.  Please read p.182 - 186, and write definitions for the following terms in your notes:                lipid bilayer               isotonic                concentration            hypertonic                diffusion                   hypotonic                equilibrium               osmosis   Biology 122: There will be a QUIZ tomorrow on Mendelian Genetics and Meiosis.  This will include any work covered in class on Punnett Squares and Pedigree charts.  Please complete the following review questions from the text.  The answers are provided below.         p. 283 - 284  #1 - 9; # 13 - 25

Posted: October 3, 2011

Biology 112: There will be a QUIZ tomorrow on Cell Structure and Function.  Be sure to review all notes from class, as well as attempt the following review questions from the textbook:     p. 197  # 1 - 5; # 12 - 18   Biology 122: Today we completed the review of Meiosis, and began studying Pedigree Charts and human genetic disorders.  Be sure to get any notes you missed if you were absent.

Posted: September 30, 2011

Biology 112: Please hand in your Onion Cell Lab Report, if you have no already done so. Complete the review sheets on Eukaryotic Cell Structure given out in class today.  There will be a QUIZ on Cell Organelles on Tuesday, Oct. 4.   Biology 122: Please complete the worksheets on Meiosis given out in class.  

Posted: September 27, 2011

Biology 112: Please complete the Cell Organelles Crossword Puzzle, and answer questions #1 - 4 on p. 181 in the text.   Biology 122: Please complete the worksheet on Exploring Mendelian Genetics.

Posted: September 23, 2011

Biology 112: If you did not hand in your Microscope Lab Report today, please be sure to have it in on Monday.  We will continue out work with the microscope and cells next week.   Biology 122: Please complete #1 - 5 on the Punnett Square worksheet that was passed out in class today.  You should also attempt the two-factor cross problems (#6 - 8), and be prepared with any questions you may have for Monday's class.  A copy of the worksheet is attached below.
PDF icon punnett_square_problems.pdf15.9 KB

Posted: September 20, 2011

Biology 112: QUIZ tomorrow!  Please review all notes from class so far.  This includes:  1)  Spontaneous Generation (names of scientists and conclusions of experiments)                       2)  5 Steps of the Scientific Method (Experimental Design - be able to put steps in order)                       3)  Given an example of an experiment, be able to describe the following:  control(s),                            manipulated variable, responding variable, conclusion, suggestions for improvement, etc.   Biology 122: QUIZ tomorrow!  Please review all notes from class so far.  In addition, complete the following review questions. Answers to the review may be found below.              1) Complete review sheet Section 10-3              2) Ch.10 Review Questions p. 257  # 1 - 10; # 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24;                                                       p. 258 # 29
