Ms. Wheaton

ink blot

Posted: October 20, 2015

Political Science -  Complete News Site Research. 

Posted: October 19, 2015

Election Day!Be Sure To Watch News Coverage of our National Election!

Posted: October 14, 2015

Political Science -  BUSY WEEK !                             Because you are working so hard with election/student vote prep,                             Re-Test is moved to Monday (Oct.19th) * GET OUTSTANDING ASSIGNMENTS IN !  ASAP 

Posted: October 13, 2015

Political Science -  a) Complete any overdue Assignments {Commentary; Debate Table; Party Platforms Sheet}                              b) Some students re-writing test on Thursday, Oct.15th - study !!

Posted: October 7, 2015

Political Science-           Homework due on Tuesday Oct.13th                          A) Complete Assignment Re: Desmond Tutu    B) Complete Assignment Re: Party Platforms {download google chrome to make it work} * Enjoy your Thanksgiving Long Weekend !!Be Happy & Safe!  

Posted: October 6, 2015

Political Science-           Homework due on Tuesday Oct.13th                          A) Complete Assignment Re: Desmond Tutu    B) Complete Assignment Re: Party Platforms

Posted: October 5, 2015

Political Science - TEST # 1  is tomorrow (tues.6th)

Posted: October 2, 2015

Political Science- -    Review all your notes.  There will be a unit review on Monday and Test #1 on Tuesday.  

Posted: September 29, 2015

Political Science -   Complete any outstanding assignments. (Debate Sheet & Commentary 1)                              _Review your notes on Psyc.Theories         _  Test Approaching !  Please review all your notes so far.   

Posted: September 24, 2015

Political Science-  Complete the 'Debate Worksheet'  (debate #1_August)  due tomorrow.                           - Complete Commentary #1 due tomorrow.  * Get the homework finished up after school and ENJOY THE DANCE !
