Ms. Wheaton

ink blot

Posted: February 2, 2023

Just welcoming classes to this semester. 

Period 1 - Canadian History 122

Period 2 - Modern History 113 

Period 4 - English 10 (Infomational Text)

Period 5 - Political Science 120

Posted: May 31, 2020

No Virtual Classes are scheduled in Teams for this week 

P.1_Modern History 11:   Check "Teams" for your Week  9 work  (Quiz on World War I)

P.2_Cdn.History 12 Check "Teams" for Week  9 work (Group of Seven and Emily Carr)

P.3 & P.4  English 10:  Check "Teams" for Week 9 work ( Finishing up Photo Essay & Media Blitz Submissions) 

If you have questions; trouble with teams; or need to email me  PLEASE feel free:

                                              Have a Safe Week only one more left !!!!  

Posted: May 26, 2020

No Virtual Classes are scheduled in Teams for this week 

P.1_Modern History 11:   Check "Teams" for your Week  8 work  (Progression of World War I)

P.2_Cdn.History 12 Check "Teams" for Week  8 work (Changing Population Demograhpics of  Victorian Era Canada)

P.3 & P.4  English 10:  Check "Teams" for Week 8 work (Media Blitz!) 

If you have questions; trouble with teams; or need to email me  PLEASE feel free:

 Have a Safe Week !  

Posted: May 18, 2020

Next Virtual Classes are scheduled in Teams for Wednesday, May 20th ! 

P.1_Modern History 11:   Check "Teams" for your Week  7 work  (Introductin to World War I)

P.2_Cdn.History 12 Check "Teams" for Week  7 work (Victorian Era Canada)

P.3 & P.4  English 10:  Check "Teams" for Week 7 work (Photo Essay) 

If you have questions; trouble with teams; or need to email me...

PLEASE feel free to do so at



Posted: May 11, 2020

* No Virtual Classes this week *

Next Virtual Classes are scheduled in Teams for Wednesday, May 20th ! 

P.1_Modern History 11:   Check "Teams" for your Week 6 work  (Ind.Rev. Notes-Video Clip-Quiz)

P.2_Cdn.History 12 Check "Teams" for Week 6 work ("Correcting Assign.#6/ Video and Notation Exercise)

P.3 & P.4  English 10:  Check "Teams" for Week 6 work (Do your own interview!) 

If you have questions; trouble with teams; or need to email me... PLEASE feel free to do so at






Posted: May 4, 2020

Modern History 11 - Virtual Class:  Wednesday, May 6th, 3p.m.  Please join in :)
This week's lesson is an introduction to the Industrial Revolution.  See the 'Team" page for notes, video and quiz later in the week.  
Canadian History 12Virtual Class: Thrusday, May 7th, 1 pm. Please join in :)
This week's lesson "Assignment 6" is on the "Team" page.    During Virtual Class we will check the work on "Residential Schools prt.2".
English 10 Period 3 - Virtual Class:  Wednesday, May 6th at 1 p.m. 
Go to your "team' page.  This week we begin a unit on 'Interviews' and Precis. 
 English 10 Period 4 - Virtual Class:  Wednesday, May 6th at 2 p.m. 
Go to your "team' page.  This week we begin a unit on 'Interviews' and Precis. 

Posted: April 27, 2020

Modern History 11 - Virtual Class:  Wednesday, April 29th at 3p.m.  Please join in :)
This week's lesson is the 'open book' quiz on our TEAM page.  Please check in to let me know you see the quiz. 
Canadian History 12- Virtual Class: Tuesday, April 28th at 1 p.m.  Please join in :)
Students on virtual class last week mentioned they needed more time to complete the assignment from Week 3. 
After Tuesday's Meeting we will decide on this week's next step. 
English 10 Period 3 - Virtual Class:  Wednesday, April 29th at 1 p.m. 
Last week students mentinoed they needed more time to complete their essays (Week 3:  Research Essay)
English 10 Period 4  - Virtual Class:  Wednesday, April 29th at 2 p.m. 
Last week students mentinoed they needed more time to complete their essays (Week 3:  Research Essay)

Posted: April 19, 2020

Modern History 11 - Virtual Class:  Tuesday at 1 p.m.
This week's lesson is on your TEAM page, under 'Files' Week 3  (Wraping up French Revolution; Test Prep)
Canadian History 12- Virtual Class: Friday at 1 p.m.
This week's lesson is on your TEAM page, under 'Files' Week 3  (Residential Schools)
English 10 Period 3 - Virtual Class:  Wednesday at 1 p.m. 
This week's lesson is on your TEAM page, under 'Files' Week 3  (Quick Journal Entry & Research Essay)
English 10 Period 4  - Virtual Class: Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. 
This week's lesson is on your TEAM page, under 'Files' Week 3   (Quick Journal Entry & Research Essay)
* So Excited to try this VIRTUAL CLASS !    I miss you ALL, can't wait to at least 'hear' ya's   !!     (I think we can mute the video feature if ya want). 

Posted: April 14, 2020

Modern History 11 -  Wrapping up the French Revloution !  

Canadian History 12 - Settling the West (how the rest of Canada came into Confederation)

English 10 - Writing !  Prompts to pick from :) 

* All notes are now availabe on your respective TEAM page.  

There are a few of you who still haven't been into microsoft teams. 

Please follow the directions in my last post !  It's super easy! 

 * I've made a "team" for each class I teach, and you are already in it ! 

All you have to do is click the link below!  

"how to get into teams"     It has pictures and everything !  

a) Go to Home Tab

b) Scroll down, and click "Office 365" 

c) Then, curser over to 'Teams' icon/tile and click it !    

d) Sign in with your user and password.   Use: (your letters and numbers)

File how_to_get_into_teams_jmh_teacher_page_post.docx269.39 KB
