Ms. Wheaton

ink blot

Posted: April 30, 2013

English - Julius Caear - Read Act IV. Complete accompanying questions    Political Science-  Complete Prime Minister's Cabinet. Ancient History-  Work on project: Egypt (physical representation/1 page description) Modern History - Working on History Essay( 112)  Or  Powerpoints (113) - Library Day tomorrow in P.6.   * Holocaust Survivor to speak tomorrow a.m. Period 2 and Period 3 to grades 11 and 12.  Also there is a presentation open to the public at 7pm. United Church in Chatham.

Posted: April 24, 2013

English - Test tomorrow on J.C. ACT III.    Political Science- Study recent notes/ Read today's handout on 'Municiple Government'.                                  Any interested in the May 3-4th NB Leg Visit - have write up prepared for tomorrow. Ancient History- Study notes on Dieties and Deamons. Modern History - Review All Notes on World War I .  Read through today's package on video segments re: Canada in WWI

Posted: April 22, 2013

English - Please try to 'draft' up your character sketches tonight, we will work on them tomorrow in class .                    ( I put together some notes that might help you ).  Please read over Act 3_Sc.1 (Caesar's Demise lol!) Political Science- Study notes on Central vs. Regional Gov'ts  (Pay attention to the "swings" depending on era). Ancient History-  Test on Egypt _ for those who didn't write today.  Modern History-  Test on the introductory notes on WWI_ for those who didn't write today. 

Posted: April 18, 2013

English - Act 3.  Read plain English synopsis and commentary.   Political Science- Study notes on Central vs. Regional Gov'ts   Ancient History-  Test Monday.  Egypt  Modern History-  Test Monday.  WWI - Introduction

Posted: April 16, 2013

English - Act 3.  Read plain English synopsis and commentary.   Political Science-  Commentary #3 - Pass In tomorrow.   Ancient History- Review notes on Egyptian Society  Modern History-  Review notes on introduction to WWI

Posted: April 15, 2013

English - Act 3.  Read plain English synopsis and commentary.   Political Science-  Commentary #3 Re: NDP and Liberal Party changes. Ancient History- Review your worksheet on Pharoah's and their constructions tests tomorrow.   Modern History- no homework

Posted: April 12, 2013

English - Act 3.  Read plain English synopsis and commentary.   Political Science-  no homework.  Tune into the CTV / CNN news. Ancient History- Review your worksheet on Pharoah's and their constructions. Modern History- Review notes on 19th Century Ideas & 14 Inventors...Test Monday.   

Posted: April 9, 2013

English - Act II - Sc.1 and Sc.2 : review notes. Political Science-  Unit 3- Constitution/ Parliment (review notes) Leglislative process Ancient History- Worksheet Due Tomorrow (45pts) Modern History- Review notes on 19th Century Ideas ( First 5 Cluster;  Capitalism Cluster)  

Posted: April 8, 2013

English - Please re-read Act II  and the notes I've given you. Political Science-  Unit 3- Constitution/ Parliment (review notes) Leglislative process Ancient History- Egypt_movie completes tomorrow Modern History- Review notes on the inventors of the industrial revolution & 19th Century Ideas

Posted: April 2, 2013

English - Test tomorrow (Wednesday 3rd) ACT I Political Science-  Unit 3- Constitution/ Parliment (review notes)  Ancient History- Egypt_ Short Map Quiz  Modern History- Be prepared to present your power point project.
