Tuesday March 18th- Friday March 21st, 2014

Posted: March 18, 2014

Media Studies: Introduction to film: Students will partner with someone to develop a powerpoint on the 5 best movies and the 5 worst movies. Although this may seem like a basic introduction to film. Students should first look at a movie critique. Here are a couple of websites.www.rottentomatoes.com/‎ or www.unplugged.com. These sites give you an explaination as to why the movies are good or bad. Suggested elements: (Due on Friday) Cinematography (http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/short/gramtv.html) Acting Set design Music Budget-(How much money to make movie vs how m uch money did the movie make) Themes of the movie Special effects Impressive visual effects Supported Opinion  Reading Tutor: Students will work on their story writing today. The story will be graded on the following elements: Grammatical, Flow, illustrations. Canadian students will be marked according to the quality of the story, sentence structure and end product. It is their job to coach the international students in developing their storyline. This is collaborative project. Use your time wisely. Theatre Arts: Students are working on developing a Character. Remember to include all elements that help us to develop the profile of the character. Hint to us details. Law 120: Fairy tale crimes will be due on Friday march 21st,2014.