Friday, April 15, 2011

Posted: April 15, 2011

Good Friday, people!  English 121ers, I hear some of you have been belly-aching about workload.  Well, that won't make any of it go away, so try working, instead.  I wouldn't assign more than I think you can handle.  That being said, thanks for handing in your reflections today.  The assignment you received in class, "Applying the Scientific Method to Hamlet" is due next Thursday.  Plug away at your independent novel study, also. English 9ers, thanks for having a say about the bigger themes in The Merchant of Venice, then taking a little tour through Venice to get a better idea of the setting.  On Monday, we'll take a quick look at one or two of Shakespeare's sonnets, so we can better identify the iambic pentameter and blank verse we identified this morning.
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