
Posted: November 14, 2016

Local Drama students have been working long and hard since the beginning of the school year, practicing their lines, creating costumes and even making lifesize animal costumes. With all that hard work and time put in, this weekend they will finally perform their long anticipated play, The Lion King. The play will take place from Friday, the 18th, to Sunday, the 22nd at James M. Hill.  There are still tickets available but they’re selling fast.

Posted: November 14, 2016

Attention all parents and students of James M hill High School. Report cards are completed by all teachers with the final grade of what you have in each class so far, being it is almost halfway through the first semester.

Posted: November 10, 2016

Did you know? - On October 23, 2014, a Nova Scotaia Newspaper, The Chronical Herald, published a cartoon of a soldier on active duty, who was shot and killed guarding the War Statues in Ottowa, Canada.

Posted: November 9, 2016

Did you know? -A Newfoundland dog named  ”Sable Chief” was a NFLD mascot during WW1. He marched with the regiment band and visited wounded troops.

Posted: November 8, 2016

Floor Hockey is back for your lunch entertainment but things will be going a bit different. This year will be a double elimination, winner take all bracket tournament. To simplify, if you lose two games, you’re out. Also, if you win the first game, you will play in the winners bracket, if you lose you will go to the losers bracket. Yesterday, Team 3 won by forfeit against Team 4 and Team 3 will move to the winners bracket. Today, Team 2 will take on Team 1 at 12:00.

Posted: November 8, 2016

Attention all grades 9-12 students of James M Hill,  report cards are coming soon, and your teachers need to get their marks in! So that being said if you have anything that you want to be marked pass it in today (November 8th) by the end of the day. The report cards will be given out on November 17th and there will be no school the next day (November 18th) because there will be parent teacher in case your parents would like to come meet your teacher or ask why your grade is what it is! This is just like a mid-term report and is not your final final mark for the semester so don't stress!

Posted: November 8, 2016

If you like writing, then the Writing Club is for you! Whether you write short stories or poems, fiction or essays, you’ll fit right in! We meet every Monday in Mrs. MacDonald’s room at 12 o’clock and new members are always welcome. We’re just a bunch of writer talking about what we do best, write! We hope to see you there!

Posted: November 8, 2016

Are you a strong English student in grade 10? Then English 111 is a good choice for you for your grade 11 year. Taught by Mrs. MacDonald, you get to learn about any topics you want, the course is made by you! You get the freedom to learn the way you want! We hope to see you next year!

Posted: November 8, 2016

HO-HO-HO! Christmas is coming soon JMH, not only to us but to kids everywhere now with the help of our Interact groups project, operation Christmas Shoe Box! Here’s how it works; each shoebox is filled with hygiene items, school supplies, and toys and is given to children regardless of gender, race, or religion who may be in need. Every item added to a Christmas Shoebox has the potential to impact a child.

Posted: November 8, 2016

Thursday Nov. 11, Mrs. MacDonald’s English 111 class will be putting on our Remembrance Day Ceremony.


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