Mr. Howe Notes

Welcome Tommies. Please e-mail with any questions or concerns.


Posted: September 17, 2020


We will be using the teams platform for all HOME-ED assignments.  If you have difficulty accessing or submitting the assignment e-mail me at or phone/text somone from the class. 


Please check your e-mail for your last assignment.  Have a great weekend.

Mr. Howe

Posted: June 5, 2020

This assignment was e-mailed.  Contact me if you did not recieve it.


Posted: May 25, 2020

Grade 9 Tommies, 
See the attached file for the continuation of your book studies.  You will note that with the time remaining, you should be about 3/4 of the way through your books.
It is going to be an amazing week for weather, so enjoy the sun.
You home check-in question is "what Shakespeare play has characters named Oberon and Puck?"

Off I go,

Mr. Howe

File book_study_question_may_24th.docx13 KB

Posted: May 22, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please refer to "TEAMS" for next week's first assignment.  Have a great weekend.

Mr. Howe

Good Morning Everyone.  Just a reminder to continue to check your class "Team" for assignment updates.

Posted: April 6, 2020

Good Morning Everyone!  I hope everyone is pumped to get back to school.  The goal for today is to get access to the technology.  You all should have received an invitation to join a class “TEAM” through ONEDRIVE.  Juscheck your school e-mail and respond to that invitation. 

Posted: April 6, 2020

Good Morning Everyone!  I hope everyone is pumped to get back to school.  The goal for today is to get access to the technology.  You all should have received an invitation to join a class “TEAM” through ONEDRIVE.  Juscheck your school e-mail and respond to that invitation. 

Posted: April 6, 2020

Good Morning Everyone!  I hope everyone is pumped to get back to school.  The goal for today is to get access to the technology.  You all should have received an invitation to join a class “TEAM” through ONEDRIVE.  Juscheck your school e-mail and respond to that invitation. 

Posted: April 6, 2020

Good Morning Everyone!  I hope everyone is pumped to get back to school.  The goal for today is to get access to the technology.  You all should have received an invitation to join a class “TEAM” through ONEDRIVE.  Juscheck your school e-mail and respond to that invitation.