Miss Robichaud - Archive Notes

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Posted: December 3, 2010

The classroom component of the course has started. Periods 1,3,4, and 6 are reminded of the quiz on Monday, Dec. 6th.  
Course outline for grade 10. Phys. Ed. and Personal Development have been combined into one class and we will start classroom work at the end of November.
Microsoft Office document icon physed-pdcp101.doc30 KB
Course outline for Grade 9. Phys. Ed and Personal Development have been combined into one class and we will start classroom work at the end of November.
Microsoft Office document icon physed-pdcp_91.doc30 KB

Posted: November 17, 2010

Student's begin class with a 5 out of 5 and it is up to them to keep their participation marks.
File physed910participation_criteria1.docx11.46 KB

Posted: November 17, 2010

Teacher's expectations for physical education.
Microsoft Office document icon grade_9_and_10_expectations1.doc28 KB
