Mr. MacDonald Notes

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Posted: March 12, 2013

*** You can also receive course updates via Twitter . Follow my awesomeness @mrpmacdonald *** Physical Science 10Questions from Chapter 23-2.Started our unit on circuits, Chapter 23-3.  This is a big unit filled with three lab exercises and mathematical worksheets.Introduction to Current Electricity. Topics covered are voltage, current, and resistance.Notes discussed in class: current_electricity_chapter_23-2.pdfPhysics 112Tracker motion analysis software training.  Monday we used the program together, today you are to try it on your own (videos used are below or see me for a copy - right click and select "save target as").Wednesday we will resume the topic of vectors so remember your protractors and rulers.cart_collision_same_mass.movcart_collision_mass_difference.movPhysics 122Forces in 2D (physics122_forces2d_notes_march_11.pdf).  Those notes contained the worked solutions to your assigned problems.Important! There are example videos under the Physics 122 playlist on Peter MacDonald - YouTube

Posted: February 25, 2013

*** You can also receive course updates via Twitter.  Follow my awesomeness @mrpmacdonald *** Physical Science 10Introduction to Science and Static Electricity Test scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 28. chapter_1-2-23_test_outline.pdfstatic_electricity_review.pdf; Also review end-of-chapter problems assigned thus far.Practice your skills at: http://braingenie.ck12.orgPhysics 112Graphical analysis of motion: Velocity- Time graphs. Motion Review (same is in your problem set but this one has the answers): vectors_and_motion_review.pdfphysics_112_velocity-time_graphs_feb_22.pdf; Page 10 # 1& 2 of the Physics 112 Problem_Set_v2.pdfThe practice worksheet is the last page of the notes. physics_112_position-time_graphs_feb_19.pdf Motion test scheduled for next Thrusday, Feb. 28.Don't forget about the example question videos in the Physics 112 playlist on Peter MacDonald - YouTubePhysics 122Application of Vectors:  Continue working through page 8 and 9 of the physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfApplication of Vectors test scheduled for next Thursday, Feb. 28.Important! There are five example videos (Force, #12, 14, 16, & 20) under the Physics 122 playlist on Peter MacDonald - YouTubeThere are also five paper copies of the worked solutions in the classroom (take a pic of them if you want).applications_of_vectors_example_feb_25_2013.pdf

Posted: February 22, 2013

*** You can also receive course updates via Twitter.  Follow my awesomeness @mrpmacdonald *** Physical Science 10Introduction to Science and Static Electricity Test scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 27.static_electricity_review.pdf; Also review end-of-chapter problems assigned thus far.Practice your skills at: http://braingenie.ck12.orgPhysics 112Graphical analysis of motion: Velocity- Time graphs. physics_112_velocity-time_graphs_feb_22.pdf; Page 10 # 1& 2 of the Physics 112 Problem_Set_v2.pdfThe practice worksheet is the last page of the notes. physics_112_position-time_graphs_feb_19.pdf Motion test scheduled for next Thrusday, Feb. 28.Don't forget about the example question videos in the Physics 112 playlist on Peter MacDonald - YouTubePhysics 122Application of Vectors:  Continue working through page 8 and 9 of the physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfApplication of Vectors test scheduled for next Thursday, Feb. 28.Important! There are five example videos (Force, #12, 14, 16, & 20) under the Physics 122 playlist on Peter MacDonald - YouTubeThere is also a paper copy of the worked solutions in the classroom (take a pic of them if you want).applications_of_vectors_example_feb_19_2013.pdfapplications_of_vectors_notes_feb_15_2013.pdfapplications_of_vectors_example_feb_15_2013.pdf 
*** You can also receive course updates via Twitter.  Follow my awesomeness @mrpmacdonald *** Physical Science 10Introduction to Science and Static Electricity Test scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 27.Practice your skills at: http://braingenie.ck12.orgPhysics 112Graphical analysis of motion: Position - Time graphs.  The practice worksheet is the last page of the notes (below).physics_112_position-time_graphs_feb_19.pdfMotion test scheduled for next Thrusday, Feb. 28.Don't forget about the example question videos in the Physics 112 playlist on Peter MacDonald - YouTubePhysics 122Application of Vectors:  Continue working through page 8 and 9 of the physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfApplication of Vectors test scheduled for next Thursday, Feb. 28.Important! There are five example videos under the Physics 122 playlist on Peter MacDonald - YouTubeapplications_of_vectors_example_feb_19_2013.pdfapplications_of_vectors_notes_feb_15_2013.pdfapplications_of_vectors_example_feb_15_2013.pdf 
Physical Science 10Introduction to Science and Static Electricity Test scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 26.Practice your skills at: http://braingenie.ck12.orgPhysics 112Graphical analysis of motion: Position - Time graphs.  The practice worksheet is the last page of the notes (below).physics_112_position-time_graphs_feb_19.pdfMotion test scheduled for next Wednesday, Feb. 27.Physics 122Application of Vectors:  Continue working through page 8 and 9 of the physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfApplication of Vectors test scheduled for next Wednesday, Feb. 27.applications_of_vectors_example_feb_19_2013.pdfapplications_of_vectors_notes_feb_15_2013.pdfapplications_of_vectors_example_feb_15_2013.pdf

Posted: February 19, 2013

Physical Science 10**Important Note** Student are now allowed to use a personal device to view/read course content.  These devices can be their phone (iPhone, Blackberry, Samsung, etc), tablet (iPad, iPod, Acer, Hipstreet, etc) , or laptop.  If bringing any of these to school please guard them carefully and remember it is against the district computer policy to connect any of these devices to the school computer network.  If you do not want to use your own device there are still netbooks in the classroom.iOS/Apple Products:  To save and view a course document you must have an app installed capable of opening .pdf file.  The iTunes store is filled with free and cheap options; a few are (some have different versions depending on your device):  GoodReader (iphone - $) Reader: (iphone/ipad - free). View this website on your device and click the file you want to save.  After it opens you should see an option to open it within a specified app.  Once opened with the app it is saved.  Repeat those steps for all the files you want.  I would allot 500 Mb for the files we would have this semester.Android Products:  You can save a file at any time to your device, but you require an app to view that file.  To save the file follow the steps listed above once you open this websit on your device.  Go to the app store on your device and download the free Adobe Reader app (  There may be many others but this app worked well for me (I've only had an Android device for a day).Static Electricity: Transfer of Charge.physical_science_10_static_electricity_ch_23-1.pdfIntroduction to Science and Static Electricity Test scheduled for Monday, Feb. 25.Practice your skills at: http://braingenie.ck12.orgPhysics 112Graphical analysis of motion: Position - Time graphs.  The practice worksheet is the last page of the notes (below).physics_112_position-time_graphs_feb_19.pdfMotion test scheduled for next Tuesday, Feb. 26.Physics 122Application of Vectors:  Continue working through page 8 and 9 of the physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfapplications_of_vectors_example_feb_19_2013.pdfapplications_of_vectors_notes_feb_15_2013.pdfapplications_of_vectors_example_feb_15_2013.pdfPhysical Science 10 Digital DownloadsCourse Outline: physical_science_10_macdonald_course_outline.pdfeTextbook: jmh_physical_science_10_etextbook.pdfphysical_science_concepts.pdfPhysics 112 & 122 Digital Downloadsphysics_112_course_outline.pdfPhysics 112 Problem_Set_v2.pdfphysics_122_course_outline.pdfphysics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfTotal Physics.pdfjmh_physics_handbook_v2.pdfPhysics Study Guides.pdfphysical_science_concepts.pdf

Posted: February 15, 2013

Physical Science 10Static Electricity: Law of Charges and Electric Fields (link to the PhET simulations we did in class is contained in the notes below).  Very shocking day today!physical_science_10_static_electricity_ch_23-1.pdfPractice your skills at: http://braingenie.ck12.orgPhysics 112Acceleration Notes: physics_112_acceleration_notes_feb_12_2013.pdfWorking through page 8 of your Physics 112 Problem_Set_v2.pdfThere will be a quick review Monday and then we will start into the graphical analysis of motion.Physics 122Application of Vectorsapplications_of_vectors_notes_feb_15_2013.pdfapplications_of_vectors_example_feb_15_2013.pdfPg 8 # 1acd. physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfThere are five example problems on YouTube; they are the earliest posted videos: Physics 122 YouTube Playlist

Posted: February 14, 2013

Physical Science 10We finished up chapter 2 and just started Static Electricity (notes are below) towards the end of class.Practice your skills at: http://braingenie.ck12.orgphysical_science_10_chapter_2-research_notes.p... pages 33 - 43 the page 42 # 1 - 8.Read pages 519 - 525 of your etextbook (class notes are below) then page 526 # 1 - 7.physical_science_10_static_electricity_ch_23-1.pdfPhysics 112Acceleration Notes: physics_112_acceleration_notes_feb_12_2013.pdfStart working through pages 7 & 8 of your Physics 112 Problem_Set_v2.pdfWe will have more time Friday to review/complete them.Physics 122Connected Masses: physics_122_connected_masses_feb_12_2013.pdfPg 7 # 19 - 25 (except 23). physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfExample problems are here: Physics 112 YouTube Playlist

Posted: February 13, 2013

I wasn't in today but please work on the following: Physical Science 10physical_science_10_chapter_2-research_notes.pdfRead pages 33 - 43 the page 42 # 1 - 8.Read pages 519 - 525 of your etextbook (class notes are below) then page 526 # 1 - 7.physical_science_10_static_electricity_ch_23-1.pdfPhysics 112Acceleration Notes: physics_112_acceleration_notes_feb_12_2013.pdfStart working through pages 7 & 8 of your Physics 112 Problem_Set_v2.pdfWe will have more time Thursday and Friday to review/complete them.Physics 122Connected Masses: physics_122_connected_masses_feb_12_2013.pdfPg 7 # 19 - 25 (except 23).  physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfThere will be time in class Thursday to complete complete/review those questions.Example problems are here: Physics 112 YouTube Playlist 

Posted: February 12, 2013

Physical Science 10physical_science_10_chapter_2-research_notes.pdfPage 31 of etextbook # 1 - 7Tomorrow we'll finish chapter 2 (science skills) and start our electricity unit (Chapter 23 - notes are below)physical_science_10_static_electricity_ch_23-1.pdfPhysics 112Acceleration Notes: physics_112_acceleration_notes_feb_12_2013.pdfPage 7 # 1 - 4.  We will be working through pages 7 & 8 tomorrow.Physics 122Connected Masses: physics_122_connected_masses_feb_12_2013.pdfPg 7 # 19 - 25 (except 23).  There will be time in class tomorrow to complete these questions.Example problems are here: Physics 112 YouTube Playlist

Posted: February 11, 2013

Physical Science 10physical_science_10_chapter_2-research_notes.pdfPage 31 of etextbook # 1 - 7Physics 112Acceleration Notes: physics_112_intro_to_motion_feb_6_2013.pdfReview/introduction of motion concepts: physics_112_intro_to_motion_feb_5_2013.pdfPage 5, 6, & 7 of Physics 112 problem_set_v2.pdfPhysics 1221D Forces review: physics_122_forces_1d_review.pdfConnected Masses (new notes will be posted tomorrow) Pg 7 # 19 - 21Pages 5 & 6 (exclude problem 17) of physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfExample problems are here: Physics 112 YouTube Playlist Physical Science 10 Digital ResourcesCourse Outline: physical_science_10_macdonald_course_outline.pdfeTextbook:  jmh_physical_science_10_etextbook.pdfOnline Version of eTextbook: 112 & 122 Digital Resourcesphysics_112_course_outline.pdfPhysics 112 Problem_Set_v2.pdfphysics_122_course_outline.pdfphysics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfMain Text: Total Physics.pdf; web version - JMH Total Physics OnlineMcGraw-Hill-Ryerson (availible in class)Compilation of Formulae and data:  jmh_physics_handbook_v2.pdfCK-12 Study Guides: Physics Study Guides.pdfphysical_science_concepts.pdf

Posted: February 5, 2013

Physical Science 10Video - Gimli Glider ( to Physical Sciencechapter_1_world_of_science.pdfPhysics 112Acceleration Notes: physics_112_intro_to_motion_feb_6_2013.pdfReview/introduction of motion concepts: physics_112_intro_to_motion_feb_5_2013.pdfPage 5, 6, & 7 of Physics 112 problem_set_v2.pdfPhysics 1221D Forces review: physics_122_forces_1d_review.pdfPages 5 & 6 (exclude problem 17) of physics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfPhysics 112 YouTube Playlist Physical Science 10 Digital ResourcesCourse Outline: physical_science_10_macdonald_course_outline.pdfeTextbook:  jmh_physical_science_10_etextbook.pdfOnline Version of eTextbook: 112 & 122 Digital Resourcesphysics_112_course_outline.pdfPhysics 112 Problem_Set_v2.pdfphysics_122_course_outline.pdfphysics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfMain Text: Total Physics.pdf; web version - JMH Total Physics OnlineMcGraw-Hill-Ryerson (availible in class)Compilation of Formulae and data:  jmh_physics_handbook_v2.pdfCK-12 Study Guides: Physics Study Guides.pdfphysical_science_concepts.pdf

Posted: February 4, 2013

Physical Science 10Introduction to Physical Sciencechapter_1_world_of_science.pdfPhysics 112Introduction to Physicsproblem_set_complete_v2.pdfPhysics 1221D motion review: Kinematics.Questions Pg 3 #4 - 7 of the problem set.1D Forces review: physics_122_forces_1d_review.pdfPage 4 #1 - 5 of problem setPhysics 112 YouTube Playlist Physical Science 10 Digital ResourcesCourse Outline: physical_science_10_macdonald_course_outline.pdfeTextbook:  jmh_physical_science_10_etextbook.pdfOnline Version of eTextbook: 112 & 122 Digital Resourcesphysics_112_course_outline.pdfPhysics 112 Problem_Set_v2.pdfphysics_122_course_outline.pdfphysics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfMain Text: Total Physics.pdf; web version - JMH Total Physics OnlineMcGraw-Hill-Ryerson (availible in class)Compilation of Formulae and data:  jmh_physics_handbook_v2.pdfCK-12 Study Guides: Physics Study Guides.pdfphysical_science_concepts.pdf 

Posted: February 1, 2013

Physical Science 10Hot Wheels lab as an introduction to science labs and data gathering.Physics 112Solving mathematical equations review.Physics 1221D motion review: Kinematics.Questions Pg 3 #4 - 7 of the problem set.Physical Science 10 Digital ResourcesCourse Outline: physical_science_10_macdonald_course_outline.pdfeTextbook:  jmh_physical_science_10_etextbook.pdfOnline Version of eTextbook: 112 & 122 Digital Resourcesphysics_112_course_outline.pdfPhysics 112 Problem Set.pdfphysics_122_course_outline.pdfphysics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfMain Text: Total Physics.pdf; web version - JMH Total Physics OnlineMcGraw-Hill-Ryerson (availible in class)Compilation of Formulae and data:  jmh_physics_handbook_v2.pdfCK-12 Study Guides: Physics Study Guides.pdfphysical_science_concepts.pdf

Posted: January 31, 2013

Great start to semester 2!  See below for your course materials. Physical Science 10Course Outline: physical_science_10_macdonald_course_outline.pdfeTextbook:  jmh_physical_science_10_etextbook.pdfOnline Version of eTextbook: 112 & 122physics_112_course_outline.pdfPhysics 112 Problem Set.pdfphysics_122_course_outline.pdfphysics_122_problem_set_2012-13.pdfMain Text: Total Physics.pdf; web version - JMH Total Physics OnlineMcGraw-Hill-Ryerson (availible in class)Compilation of Formulae and data:  jmh_physics_handbook_v2.pdfCK-12 Study Guides: Physics Study Guides.pdfphysical_science_concepts.pdf
