That's right, physics is a verb. This year I have prepared about 97.4% of the physics material electronically. So download away! Put the files on your computer, laptop at home or your smartphone, tablet or iPad/iPod for use at school. That's right, no physical textbooks, worksheets, or formula sheet necessary if you choose to use your electronic devices for an educational purpose! More on this during the first couple days of school. If any of you want a head start here are the files for download: Physics 112 & 122 ResourcesMain Text: Total Physics.pdf; web version - JMH Total Physics OnlineMcGraw-Hill-Ryerson (availible in class)Compilation of Formulae and data:
JMH Physics Handbook.pdfCK-12 Study Guides: Physics Study Guides.pdfPhysics 112 ResourcesProblems to work though during the semester: Physics 112 Problem Set.pdfLaboratory Manual: Physics 112 Lab Manual.pdfPhysics 112 Course Outline.pdf
Physics 122 ResourcesProblems students will be responsible for: Physics 122 Problem Set.pdfReview Problems:
kinematics dynamics review.pdfPhysics 122 Course Outline.pdf
Its going to be a great year!* *Until the world ends on Dec. 21st. Up until then, awesome.