Posted: February 27, 2014
Digital Productions 120 – The following is a list of the
assignments that you should have completed. Please make sure that all of these
are completed before the break!! Also, besides the 3 PowerPoint assignments
that you should have completed can you please make sure that all of your
assignments are properly labeled and are .psd files instead of .jpeg so it is
easier for me to mark.
*** New Assignment!
*** Fix Old Picture - Save the file from the image galleries on my teacher page.
Use brightness/contrast slider to fix levels.
Use the clone stamp and healing brush tool to remove blemishes,
scratches and static from the picture.
Emerging Digital Technology presentation (partners) – Value: 35
Photography composition assignment – Value: 5
Photoshop fails assignment – Value: 5
Layers activity (dog & Field) - Cut out dog and add to
field picture. Find 3 other pictures and
add them to your project. Add your name
in 2 Text layers to your projects with various effects to your layout. Value: 15
Lighthouse Project - Use crop tool to rotate picture and make
it straight. Use clone stamp to remove
unwanted people from picture. lighthouse.jpg - Value: 5
Old Man - Remove blemishes
and fix the right eye. Using clone stamp/healing tool OR polygonal lasso. Value: 10
Dinosaur - Using the tools you have been practicing with, erase
the man in the picture AND the two smaller dinosaurs in the lower left. Pay
close attention to the textures and make them as seamless as possible. Value: 10