Ms. Wheaton Notes

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Posted: March 27, 2019

English 10 -  Depending on your novel.... you should be finished chp. 15 for tomorrow (Thurs.)


Posted: March 25, 2019

English 10  --   Students should have the first 14 chapters completed by tomorrow & be updating draft of novel study. 

                         (expectation is 3 chapters a day (in class; study block; homework).  

Ancient History 10 --  Students should have completed Assignment #1 (Terms and 2 quesions using the text). 

Political Science 12 --  Students need to finish up the long assignment of important dates in British Parlimentary History.  Due Wednesday.  

Posted: March 18, 2019

English 10 --  Novel Study !  Students should be completing 2-3 chapters per day, along with drafts of your 'package' questions. 

Ancient History 10 --  Students should have completed colouring thier maps of Mesopotamia - Study; Quiz Thursday. 

Political Science 12 -- New Unit began today "Constitutions";  Review notes and keep up on news headlines. 

Posted: February 22, 2019

Ancient History 10 -  Please complete your little "Project Outline" forms, and begin working away. - For Monday: Map test on contineents and oceans; Project presentations start next Thrusday

English 10 -  We've covered 4 short stories and all assignments should be in at this point.  -For Monday:  Please finish up your writing assignment on a character of your choice.  

Political Science 12 -   Today we reviewed scenerio work; passed in Assign. on "Desmond Tutu" and discussed sanctions/divestment.    Also, we began "Introduction to Government". - For Monday:  Start to study your notes and terms.  Test next Tuesday.   



Posted: February 19, 2019

English 10 -  War; Sniper; Mr.Know All (all past due).  Get them in for your late evaluation.  

              - 'The Snob' - read tonight, assignment to be passed in at the end of class tomorrow (wed.20th)

Ancient History 10 - Map Test Tomorrow

Political Science 12 - Review 3 Psyc.Theories and how they apply to politics. 




Posted: February 14, 2019

English 10 - Finised up analysis of "Sniper".   Due in Class TODAY. 

Political Science 120 - Review Notes on 3 Psyc.Theories and how they apply to Political Science. 

Ancient History 10  - Review Map; test coming up.  

                         - Choose your project type and finish up your "Preparation Sheet" 

Posted: February 11, 2019

Ancient History 10 -  Think about how to present your learning of "Prehistory". 

                                     Re-read: definitions; notes on Darwin; complete answers to questions #1-8 re: Hominids.  

English 10 - Finish your analysis of 'Sniper' By: O"Flarharty.  Assignment due at the beginnign of class.

                   -Review your course selection handbook (peach cover); assignment tomorrow - Choosing courses soon!  

Political Science 12 -   Finish reading "Universal Human Needs" and notation.  Check and de-briefing tomorrow.  

Posted: February 6, 2019

Ancient History 10 -  Completed Textbook Treasure Hunt.  Tomorrow we move on to Histroical Thinking Concepts. 

English 10 -  Read short story War, By: Timothy Findley;  Assignment due tomorrow at the end of class. 

Political Science 12 -  Students finished first reading "Defining Politcs" and accompanying questions. 

Posted: January 14, 2019

English 10 - Exam Prep.  Students should be preparing thier essay & oral exam talking points. 


Cdn. Geo. 12 -  Review notes on Plate Tectonics.   


Cdn. Hist. 12 -  Complete short quizzes (1-6).  We will debrief tomorrow (Tuesday).  

                       -  Term Papers in Chicago Style format.  This  week :  Wed. Jan.16th. 


Posted: January 8, 2019

 Welcome Back !    

English 10 -  Students should be doing a little review and research, to prepare their exam essay, and oral examination. 

Cdn. Geo. 12 - Student should be completing any outstanding work.  New unit on Earth's Physical Geography began today. 

Cdn. Hist. 12 - 2 Groups need to complete their 'website exploration' of Advertising Canada.

                  - Term Papers in Chicago Style format. Due next week :  Wed. Jan.16th. 

Posted: December 19, 2018

English 10 -  Poetry Test (for those who didn't write and for those who didn't finish).   

Canadian History 12 -  Working on Website Exploration and Project.  Due Thurs.  20th. 

Canadian Geography 12 -  Test Tomorrow, Thursday, Dec.20th.   

Posted: December 17, 2018

English 10 -  Poetry Test Tomorrow (Tues.)  Storm date:  Wednesday, 19th.  

Canadian History 12 -  Working on Website Exploration and Project.  Due Wed. 19th. 

Canadian Geography 12 -  Review notes, test Wednesday.  

Posted: December 5, 2018

English 10 -  Complete your "Newbies" Sheet (poetry unit) due tomorrow. 

Canadian History 12 -  Finishing work on Residential Schools in Canada. 

Canadian Geography 12 -  Work on your Commentary Assignments.  Due Friday 7th. 

Posted: November 28, 2018

Canadian Geography 12-   Complete your 'draft' of the Study Guide regarding our presentaions. 

                                   Next class we will begin group discussions, and the final version of the study guide. 

English 10 -  Period 2 - Complete assignment on "Solider" and "Rain".  We will correct it next class and move to a new assignment. 

                 Period 3 - No homewok. 

Canadian History 12 -  Complete Package #2 and the "Speaking Out" assignment.   Group Round Table begins next  class ! 




Posted: November 23, 2018

English 10 -  Finish poetry assignment !  Due at the beginning of class Monday !

Cdn. Goegraphy - Review and reorgainze your notes on presentations. 

Cdn. History -  Complete reading for the 1st Package on the treatment on Indigenous People. 

                   Assignment will be due on Tuesday. 
