Posted: April 14, 2020
I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter long weekend staying home and safe. This weeks lessons are posted on the team pages. Please check there from this point forward for your weekly lessons.
Posted: April 14, 2020
I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter long weekend staying home and safe. This weeks lessons are posted on the team pages. Please check there from this point forward for your weekly lessons.
Posted: April 6, 2020
Welcome back Tommies!! We are about to enter unchartered waters, but I want to assure you we are in this together and I’ve got you. I will be using this teacher page initially, but hope to transition to Microsoft Teams for lessons so that we can be more interactive.
Your 1st Assignment
1. go to the site or download the app onto your device.
2. Use the access code posted below to join the team for your course.
3. Turn on notifcations.
4. Leave a message or on the message board under posts or like my post letting me know that you have joined the team.
5. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!
Team Codes
Bio 112: h31ollz. .
Science 9: 7gsu928
Human Phsiology 110: rr7z1tq
Contact me at if you have any trouble. I will reach out through teams with more information on next weeks assignment.
Look forward to touching base with you all soon.
Posted: March 11, 2020
Biology 112
no HW
Science 9
no HW
Human Physiology 110
make sure your worksheets and pg 369 #4,5,7 are completed for Friday
Reminder Quiz on Digestive Tract on Friday
Posted: March 11, 2020
Biology 112
complete reading pg 182-186, write defintions for terms
Science 9
no HW, those of you who missed your test will write tomorrow
Human Physiology 110
notes from today are posted below
Posted: February 28, 2020
Biology 112
Make sure you are prepared to write your quiz after the break.
Science 9
Those students who wrote their test today, bring something to work on Monday.
Those students who did not write their test today or were absent will write Monday after the break.
Human Physiology 110
no HW, you will have a quiz Tuesday after the break.
Posted: February 26, 2020
Biology 112
Quiz tomorrow on Cellular Organelles, check microsoft team site for answers to review sheets
Science 9
Test tomorrow on Chp 5, answers to review are posted below
Human Physiology 110
no HW, notes from today are posted below
Posted: February 25, 2020
Biology 112
complete pg 181 #1-4 and 7-2 WS, notes from today are posted on the Microsoft Teams site.
Reminder Quiz on Thursday on the Cellular Organelles
Science 9
Today we completed an in class assignment on Reproduction. For those students who were absent the assignment is posted below.
Reminder of test on Thursday on Chp 5.
Human Physiology 110
completed assignment in class on digestion from the mouth to the stomach. For those who were absent the assignment is posted below.
Posted: February 25, 2020
Biology 112
no class today due to the assembly, reminder Quiz on Thurs.
Science 9
no HW, Comic Strips were due today, notes from today are posted below.
Reminder Test Thurs on Chp 5
Human Physiology 110
no HW, notes from today are posted below.
Posted: February 21, 2020
Biology 112
notes from today are on the teams site.
Reminder Labs are due Monday and there will be a quiz on the cellular organelles on Thurs
Science 9
Comic Strips are due on Monday
Test Thursday on Chp 5
Human Physiology 110
no HW notes from today are posted below
Posted: February 20, 2020
Biology 112
no HW, bring lab books tomorrow you will have some time in class to complete your lab report
Reminder Quiz on Cellular Organelles next Thurs
Science 9
we worked on our comic strips again today, they are due Monday Feb 24th
Reminder of Test Thursday on Chp 5
Human Physiology 110
notes from today are posted below
Posted: February 19, 2020
Biology 112
no HW
We will be going into the lab tomorow so make sure you bring your lab books with you
Science 9
no HW, we began working on a comic strip about Mitosis. We will continue work on it tomorrow and Friday and it is due on Monday
Reminder Test next Thursday on Chp 5
Human Physiology 110
no HW today we worked in our wellness portfolios we will start the digestion unit tomorrow
Posted: February 18, 2020
Biology 112
no HW, had test today on Cell Theory and Microscopes. If you were absent see me to arrange a time to write within the next 3 classes or you will recieve a grade of 0.
Science 9
no HW, we worked in the lab today viewing cell undergoing stages of Mitosis
Human Physiology 110
no HW, had test today on Wellness. If you were absent see me to arrange a time to write within the next 3 days or you will recieve a grade of 0.
Posted: February 14, 2020
Biology 112
Reminder Test on Tuesday on Unit 1
check Microsoft Teams for the answers to the review questions and worksheets
Science 9
no HW
Human Physiology 110
Reminder Test on Tuesday on Unit 1: Wellness
Answers to review sheets are posted below
Posted: February 13, 2020
Biology 112
pg 173 #1,2,4,5
Reminder Test Tuesday on Unit 1
Science 9
complete pg 153 #1,2,3,5,6ab, Cell Crossword, Phases of Mitosis WS x2
Reminder Test on Chapter 5 will be Thursday Feb 27th
Human Physiology 110
Label Assignment is due tomorrow
Test Tuesday on Wellness Unit
Posted: February 12, 2020
Biology 112
Complete reading pg 169-173, WS 7-1
Reminder Test on Tuesday on Unit 1
Science 9
no HW, review through your notes from today which are posted below
Human Physiology 110
Test Tuesday on Unit 1:Wellness, notes from today are posted below