Mr. O'Toole - Archive Notes

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Posted: February 11, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 - Finish Assignment_2.doc Print off and pass in by end of class. Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Finish Dream Computer assignment.  Read Unit 1 course material and prepare for Quiz on Monday. Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material.  Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Continue working on Unit 1 Assignment. Digital_Sound_Assignment_UNIT1.doc

Posted: February 11, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 - Pass in Unit 1 Assignment.  Begin working on Assignment_2.doc Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Finish Hardware Lab Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material.  Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Greatest Album of All Time Presentations.
Microsoft Office document icon Assignment_2.doc27.5 KB

Posted: February 8, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  Finish Unit 1 Assignment.  Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Finish Dreamcomputer Assignment.  Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material.  Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Unit 1 Assignment.

Posted: February 8, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  Work on Unit 1 Assignment. Multi_Media_-assignment_1.doc Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Work on Dreamcomputer Assignment. CS110Unit1Assign.doc Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Unit 1 Assignment. Digital_Sound_Assignment_UNIT1.doc

Posted: February 8, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  Guest Speakers - Mr. Savoy & Mr. Hayward - Power of Technology. Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Computer Hardware Lab Activity. Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Unit 1 Assignment Introduction. Digital_Sound_Assignment_UNIT1.doc
Microsoft Office document icon Digital_Sound_Assignment_UNIT1.doc33.5 KB

Posted: February 4, 2010

  Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  Work on Unit 1 Assignment. Multi_Media_-assignment_1.doc Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Work on Dreamcomputer Assignment. CS110Unit1Assign.doc Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Finish Greatest Album of All Time Assignment  

Posted: February 3, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  21st Century Learning Senteo Quiz and DiscussionPeriod 3 - Computer Science 110 - Computer Hardware Lab ActivityPeriod 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course MaterialStudy Block- Room A108Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Greatest Album of All Time Assignment

Posted: February 2, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  Finish Scavenger Hunt.  Answer Introductory Questions Multimedia_Introductory_Questions.doc Period 3 - Computer Science 110 - Finish Scavenger Hunt. Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Introduce Greatest Album of All Time Assignment Greatest_Album_of_All_Time.doc.

Posted: February 1, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  Course Introduction.  Multimedia_Course_Outline.doc Download Multimedia_Internet_Fact_Find.doc Period 3 - Computer Science 110 - Course Introduction, ComputerScience110.doc Download Computer_Science_110_Internet_Fact_Find.doc Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Course Introduction.  Period 6 - Digital Sound - Course Introduction. Digital_Sound_120.doc  Great Album of All time Assignment - Greatest_Album_of_All_Time.doc

Posted: January 24, 2010

Period 1 - Multimedia 120 -  Present final projects. Period 2 - Broadcast Journalism - Present final projects.. Period 4 - Info Tech - Finish Access unit. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Present final projects.

Posted: January 20, 2010

Period 1 - Multimedia 120 -  Finish and submit. Final Projects. Period 2 - Broadcast Journalism - Finish  and submit. Final Project. Period 4 - Info Tech - Work on Access unit. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Finish and submit Final Projects.

Posted: January 19, 2010

Period 1 - Multimedia 120 -  Work on Final Projects. Period 2 - Broadcast Journalism - Work on Final Project. Period 4 - Info Tech - Work on Access unit. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Final Projects.

Posted: January 18, 2010

Period 1 - Multimedia 120 -  Work on Final Projects. Period 2 - Broadcast Journalism - Work on Final Project. Period 4 - Info Tech - Work on Access unit. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Final Projects.

Posted: January 18, 2010

Period 1 - Multimedia 120 -  Work on Final Projects. Period 2 - Broadcast Journalism - Work on Final Project. Period 4 - Info Tech - Work on Access unit. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Final Projects.

Posted: January 14, 2010

Period 1 - Multimedia 120 -  Work on Final Projects. Period 2 - Broadcast Journalism - Work on Final Project. Period 4 - Info Tech - Work on Access unit. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Final Projects.
