Friday April 12th, 2013

Posted: April 11, 2013

History 112- Students will be give the rise to dictatorship handout. Then students will watch the History Channel presentation of the roots of Evil. This will help give students an overall understanding as to who Hitler and Stalin were. The teacher will then connect this knowledge to WW2 and how this relationship brought terror to the world. Law120- Students will complete their presentations on Foresnsic evidence. Remember to include the following: History- who developed it? How and why? Explain how the proceedure is done Explain how it was used to solve a crime- case study Class participation Performance Arts- Finish presentations of Acting pieces Music 10- Theory- readfing the music staff/ middle C- octaves. Theatre Arts - Students have been learning about the power of colour- Students will choose a theme and develop a poster through pieces of colour. Please remember to gather magazines and glue sticks. Drawing needs tp be completed by Monday.      
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