
Course Selection / Scholarship Information / Future Planning

Posted: April 13, 2015

*This information was emailed to grads on April 7th There are two new scholarships in the filing cabinet, Knights of Columbus - 2 scholarships $500 each (Ken Gouchie Memorial and Father B. M. Broderick Memorial) - Grads who are sons, daughters, grandsons or granddaughters or Council #1219.  JMH Class of 1984 Alumni Bursary 2 Bursaries (male/female student) $225 each - preference given to an applicant who is a child or grandchild of a member of the JMH Class of 1984. Community involvement and demonstrated leadership.
*This information was announced on April 9th Grade 11 students who are interested in going to UNB or have interest in attending University after graduation are encouraged to sign up for the UNB bus tour on April 29th. On that day, students will tour campus, meet with faculty advisors are have any of their questions answered about being a University student. The sign up sheet is in the guidance office, please ensure you sign up this week.   Attention graduates! Scholarship forms are available in the guidance office, please pay attention to the deadlines and ensure you have transcripts, reference letters in place WELL BEFORE they are due. If you are a potential graduate and NOT receiving emails from Mr. Martin or Mrs. Hamilton, see one of them in the guidance office immediately.

Posted: April 13, 2015

* This information was emailed out to grads on April 1st. The following scholarships are now available in the filing cabinet in the guidance department. Please ensure you let someone in the office know if there are no copies left or only a few remaining. Please take ONLY the applications you qualify for. Harry M. Daley Memorial Bursary (external: applications are sent away) This bursary is offered to students who are pursuing their first year of post-secondary education at an accredited university or college in Canada. Two bursaries of $3000 each will be awarded (1 member / 1 non-member of the Credit Union) in Northumberland County. The timeline on this is tight, applicatoins are due TO BE RECEIVED by April 17th, 2015. Applications are in the filing cabinet.  NBTA Credit Union (external: applications are sent away) $1000 award (5 annually) available to students whose parents are member-owners of the NBTA Credit Union. Deadline is April 30th, 2015. Applications are available in the filing cabinet.  NBCC Entrance Scholarship (internal: return to JMH) $1000 - any student accepted (or on a waiting list in the current year at any campus of the New Brunswick Community College or the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design are eligible. Applications are in the filing cabinet. Deadline: May 27th Big Brothers Big Sisters / Boys and Girls Club of Miramichi "Positive Impact Scholarship" (external: applications are sent away) $2000 - 2015 High school Graduate. Registered in a program at a University, College or Trade School for the next school year. Minimum avg of 75%. Applications are in the filing cabinet. Deadline: May 1, 2015.

Posted: April 13, 2015

*This information was emailed out to grads on March 27th Here is the list of currently available local scholarships. Take note of the criteria and select ONLY ones that you qualify for. On Tuesday, March 31st, paper copies of MOST of these applications will be in the filing cabinet in the Guidance Office. In the event that the cabinet is empty, or there are no copies left of a particular scholarship application, please let the office know so they can be refilled. Please note the deadline for submission is May 15th and most require you to fill out additional information to be included with the application.
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Posted: April 13, 2015

*This information was emailed out to grads on April 2nd All of the scholarships on this list have to be sent to an external address or submitted to JMH to forward off to an external organizatoin. The deadlines on these are all different SO PAY ATTENTION. Many of these require additional information (reference letter, transcript, letter from applicant) so do not leave these to the last minute.
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The timeframe on this one is tight. The due date is April 10th. It is worth $1000.00 and you must submit a proposal of up to 500 words. Applications are found in the guidance office in the mailbox outside our office or printable from the included attachment.
$5,000 Bursary (renewable)- 12 bursaries will be awarded annually to NB residents who have demonstrated financial need.Renewable based on good academic standing (1.5GPA)Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time undergrad progam at Mount A in any facultyApplicants must commit to work with at least one mentor in an extracurricular activity throughout their program of study. Submit online bursary applicaiton and supporting documents by March 1stApplication available at The Joyce Foundation made a $5-million gift to Mount Allison University in October 2014 in memory of Purdy Crawford ('52, LLD '91) - Mount A graduate, past Board Chair, chancellor emeritus, and Canadian leader in law, business, and philanthropy. Crawford's dream was that no student who was accepted to Mount A would be held back by financial barriers. This generous gift supports that dream.
Students and parents are invited to the "Transition to UNB Fredericton" student and parent information evening on Wednesday, February 4th at 7pm at the Rodd Miramichi Resort. Do you have questions or want to find out what university will be like? Are you just a little worried about this next step? Come and have your questions about UNB Fredericton answered: programs, time and budget management, campus life, financial aid and scholarships, next steps, and lots more! Please visit to register.
Holland College will be at JMH on Wednesday for a presentation about the campus and programs available.

Posted: November 19, 2014

Grade 12 students are invited to attend an information session presented by St. Mary's recruitor Monday, November 24th during period 1.  Please sign up in the Guidance Centre.
