
Course Selection / Scholarship Information / Future Planning

Saint Michael’s Catholic Women’s League Bursary

Required with this form are the following

  1. A letter from the applicant stating need for bursary.
  2. A transcript of marks
  3. Reference letter from the Principal or a teacher
  4. Letter of acceptance from University/College

Please submit the above to the St. Michael’s Basilica Parish Office by MAY 15th

10 Howard Street, Miramichi NB E1N 0C4  OR email to:

(if emailed, please write St. Michaels CWL Bursary in the subject line)

Note: In selecting the candidate, emphasis will be placed on the following criteria:

  1. Financial need
  2. Satisfactory scholastic achievement
  3. Attention to religious duties
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Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada, Inc. (CCSAC), now operating as, is holding a scholarship competition open to residents of Atlantic Canada (regardless of age) who will be enrolled in an accredited post-secondary program for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Applications are accepted in both English and French. There are several scholarships available.
1. The applicant must intend to enroll in an accredited institution for the 2022-2023 academic year. The winning applicants will be required to provide proof of acceptance, as well as proof of enrolment for both Fall 2022 and Winter 2023 semesters.
2. Submissions must include both an essay portion that must be between 500-800 words and a separate budget. The submission must be the applicant’s original work.
3. The applicant’s name, address, location or other identifying information MUST NOT be included in the submission. Identifying information should only appear on the application entry form.
4. Submissions MUST NOT include any identifying information about individuals mentioned in the essay portion of your submission. It is acceptable to reference their title or relation (e.g., teacher, parent, uncle, etc.). Do not include names or information that will indicate geographic region. (e.g., school names, business names, city/town names, etc.).
5. Submissions can be made by email or mail only. Submissions by email must be sent to and received no later than 5:00pm AST on May 13, 2022. Email attachments should be in Word, Excel or PDF format. Submissions sent via mail must be postmarked, regular delivery, no later than May 13, 2022.
6. Employees and board members of and their families are not eligible for this contest. Only submissions that conform to the rules and guidelines will be considered. Submissions cannot be returned and may be posted on the website and/or used by the Education department.
Winners will be notified by the end of July 2022 and scholarship funds will be disbursed after January 31, 2023. No materials other than required for the submission and application form are to be submitted. The decision of the judges is final.

We are looking for educational institutions to help us expand our external bursary program.

Storwell Self Storage has re-launched our Foster Children Bursary and we are looking to connect with educational institutions to help expand awareness of the program so that we can provide scholarships to foster children who are working on building a better life for themselves.

Storwell offers an annual bursary of $2,000 to support foster children as they pursue their post-secondary education and to help them as they progress into a new and exciting stage of their lives.

This is the direct link to the online application, which outlines all eligibility requirements:


The NBHOA now awards three (3) academic scholarships, they are named after long time NBHOA officials & directors Paul O’Blenis, Sonny McLellan Memorial and Scott McKay Memorial each for the value of $1000.00 each.

To be eligible to receive one of these scholarships you must be an NBHOA Official in good standing, a grade 12 student who is graduating and attending a recognized post-secondary institution in the upcoming year.


1. Applicants must be member-owners for at least one year; or applicants must have a parent/guardian who has been a member-owner for at least one year.

2. All scholarship applications must be accompanied by the following:

• Name(s) of parent/guardian who is a member-owner at NBTA Credit Union, if you are not a member-owner.

• An acceptance letter if you are not already in University/College.

• An official signed transcript from High school, University, or College.

• 2 signed letters of reference (you may include teachers, clergy, employers, Credit Union managers or other professionals; you may not include family members or classmates.


The criteria for the awards are listed below and are weighted equally:

(a) Academic achievement

(b) Co-operative community service (volunteer work)

(c) Financial need

(d) Success in spite of extraordinary circumstances


Mail to:

NBTA Credit Union Limited

Attn. Educational Awards Committee

650 Montgomery Street, P.O. Box 752

Fredericton, N.B. E3B 5R6

Email to


Posted: January 13, 2022

Muriel died in August of 2020. To honour their mother and grandmother, the family decided to create this annual award, with hopes of fostering young talent that may be overlooked by other scholarships. Muriel Connors’ heart would go out to someone who maybe did not have the natural gifts or talents of the front-runners, but would work harder than anyone else just to keep up.

See the attached application for eligibility and criteria. 

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The Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship Fund was created by a group of dedicated donors interested in paying tribute to the Shaw family for their long-term commitment to making the world a better place. Specifically, Robbie and Jean love the IWK Health Centre and they believe in the potential and passion of every young person to make a meaningful difference, in part, thanks to a strong educational foundation. IWK children and youth have a special place in Robbie and Jean’s hearts because of their long term professional and volunteer experience with the IWK and the IWK Foundation.
The Award and Application Process - The IWK Foundation invites applications for the Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship. This award consists of a scholarship valued at minimum $2,000.
- Eligible applicants are current or former IWK patients who have an academic average of 75% or higher and who are entering their first year of post-secondary studies.
- Applicants must submit a minimum 500 word essay answering the following question:
How has your experience at the IWK impacted your life and shaped your goals for the future?
Please include the following points in your essay: • Why the IWK is special to you • Your community involvement and/or volunteer work • Your goals for the future • How the scholarship will make a difference for you In addition, applicants must submit a recent transcript, two personal references—one from a teacher and one from a representative at the IWK who is familiar with their care journey.
Deadline: Friday, March 11, 2022

Posted: October 7, 2021

Hello class of 2022!
This is a "working document" of potential and projected EXTERNAL scholarships (these are applications that go somewhere outside of JMH). They are mainly found on websites and have varying criteria, values and due dates.
Some of the links may be broken or the details on these scholarships may change so it is more meant as a guide and not a concrete document. If the links do not work, use an internet search engine to track down information.
Because this is a collection of gathered scholarship opportunities, we may not have much information and won't be able to answer many questions, so you are to conduct your own research. If we can answer any questions, we will!
Props must be given to Shirley Riordon of the Bathurst High guidance department, who has been cultivating and maintaining this document and graciously gave us access to it. Thanks BHS!
**This information was sent to the JMH 2022 Grad Class Teams page on October 7th, 2021**
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Posted: November 4, 2015

St. Thomas University is inviting students to attend their open house in Fredericton on November 7th. Prospective students will have the chance to tour the campus, speak to current students, meet STU professors and win great prizes. There will be free on-site admission available to students who bring official transcripts. Register online at or call 1-877-788-4443 to let them know your are coming. If you require an official transcript to bring with you, see the guidance office before Thursday   STU will also be here at JMH on November 16th, the sign up will be in the guidance office next week.
Memorial University is hosting an information session at JMH for grade 12 students on Monday, October 19th at 9:30am. There is a sign up sheet in the guidance office.MUN will also be hosting an evening information session for grade 11 and grade 12 students and their parents on Monday evening at 7pm at the Days Inn Miramichi (457 King George Highway).
