
Course Selection / Scholarship Information / Future Planning

Legion Branch #10 is for Students who are relatives of Royal Canadian Legion members from the Newcastle/Douglastown area. The due date is May 15th 


Completed applications and necessary documentation must be either: mailed, emailed to: or hand delivered to: 





NB E1V 4A1


There is a DIFFERENT Legion award for Branch #3 (Chatham) which I will send out separately.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch #10 is for Students who are relatives of Royal Canadian Legion members from the Newcastle/Douglastown area. The due date is May 15th 

There is a DIFFERENT Legion award for Branch #3 (Chatham) which I will send out separately.

To assist with post secondary education for up to four needy and/or deserving students who reside in the area of the former Village of Loggieville, NB.

Submit to Main Office at JMH by May 15th/2023


Proof of EnrollmentProof of enrollment is required before release of funds


Submit to the main office at JMH by Friday, May 17th, 2024


Proof of enrolment is required before release of funds




1.  Must be pursuing post-secondary education, entering a trade/vocational school or attending university, in a program which is a minimum of one year in duration.


2. Must exhibit a responsible work ethic in course work, and commitment to extra-curricular activities (school and/or community).


3. Must demonstrate and promote "Tommie Spirit" through participation in the interests of the school community (ie, volunteering, fundraising, awareness groups, sports, clubs, tutoring...).


4. Must be a genuine, caring individual who maintains a positive attitude in the face of challenges, and who is well-liked and respected by students and teachers.


5. Application must have the names of two of your teachers who can be contacted for more information.

The Douglastown Lions Club Scholarship of $1000 is awarded to a deserving graduate from the Douglastown Service area.


- must be a student living in Douglastown (this includes Bartibogue, Oak Point, up to Bonne Route on Route 11 and French Fort Cove)

- one time award of $1000

- selection based on financial need and character

- all applicants must show that they have contributed something to their school by participating in some club, group or team while they were attending high school


Turn in to the office no later than Monday, May 15th, 2024

PDF icon douglastown_lions_scholarship_2024.pdf955.64 KB

The Gerry Cormier Memorial Scholarship will be $500.00, to be awarded annually. 

The scholarship is exclusive to students attending James M. Hill and Miramichi Valley High Schools 


Terms & Conditions of Eligibility 

1.         The program offers these scholarships to a student graduating from James M. Hill or Miramichi Valley High School and entering an accredited post-secondary institution. 

2.         A Scholarship Committee will meet in June each year to make the selections. 

3.         Selection will be based on academic standing, participation in school related activities, community service, character and financial need. 

4.         All decisions of the Committee will be final. 

5.         Payment of the award to one successful applicants will be made in the amount of $500 for each school mentioned above, upon proof of enrolment in an accredited post-secondary institution. 

6.         Please arrange to provide to us, separate from this application two (2) letters of reference – 1) academic 2) personal from non-relative 


All inquiries should be addressed to the Guidance Counselor. 




Mail to:                      

                            Gerry Cormier Memorial 

                            Scholarship Committee 

                                    141 Henry Street 

                                    Miramichi, NB 

                                    E1V 2N5 


Applications may also be dropped off at the Main Office at JMH before the due date.


 The David Sadler Memorial Scholarship will consist of bursaries to be awarded annually based on the annual net proceeds. 

 The program is exclusive to students attending James M. Hill High School. 

 Terms & Conditions of Eligibility 

 1.         The program offers these scholarships to a student graduating from James M. Hill High School and entering an accredited post-secondary institution. 

2.         A Scholarship Committee consisting of the Mayor or designate, City Manager, Principal of James M. Hill High School and a Guidance Counselor at James M. Hill High School will meet in June each year to make the selections. 

3.         Selection will be based on academic standing, participation in school related activities, community service, character and financial need. 

4.         All decisions of the Committee will be final. 

5.         Payment of the award to successful applicant will be made in two (2) payments of $750 each; one upon proof of enrolment in an accredited post-secondary institution in first term, one upon proof of enrolment in the same field of study in the second term, which will include a copy of the first term marks. 

6.         Please arrange to provide to us, separate from this application two (2) letters of reference – 1) academic 2) personal from non-relative 

 All inquiries should be addressed to the Principal or Guidance Counselor. 


 Mail to:              City of Miramichi 

                                    Scholarship Committee 

                                    141 Henry Street 

                                    Miramichi, NB 

                                    E1V 2N5 


This scholarship is to honour the memory of Holly Moffatt a 2018 graduate of JMH.

Holly Moffatt was a bright, open- minded, positive, one- in- a million kind of person. She attended James. M. Hill Memorial High School for four years and was a part of the 2018 graduating class. Holly knew no strangers because to her everyone was a friend, whether she had met you once or had known you for years. She had this incredible ability to sense when someone needed a friend and she would be that friend; it was as if she had found you.

As a close friend of Holly’s, I can say without a doubt everyone who had the pleasure of being her friend was blessed in many ways. You never had to worry about being alone if Holly was there because she would be the first person to invite you to join her group. She was a bright light at James. M. Hill that could brighten anyone’s day with her smile, encouraging word, or her compliments. Holly was an advocate for mental health awareness and was looking forward to becoming a child psychologist, so she could help others. Holly was a bagel lover, a bee enthusiast, and a true friend.

Holly passed away March 21st, 2018 and is dearly missed. To honour her memory and her vibrant personality this bursary valued at $250 will be given to a grade 12 student who:

• Is in a position to graduate

• Helps to create a positive and welcoming environment at James. M. Hill

• Has attended James. M. Hill for 4 years

• Has plans to attend college or university

Along with meeting the above requirements applicants must submit one (1) reference letter from a staff member at JMH and an essay with a maximum of 250 words. The essay should describe why they think they deserve this scholarship by including how they contribute to making a positive and welcoming environment at JMH. Whether it be an individual effort or as part of a club, some examples include, contributing to mental health initiatives, doing good deeds at JMH, doing random acts of kindness at JMH, reaching out to others within the school.

Please fill out the contact information below and attach both your reference letter and essay and send it in an email to or submit a paper copy to the office by May 20th, 2024.

The Father Nicholas J. Power Memorial Scholarship is open by application to all eligible students from the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes - Miramichi (St. Patrick's, Most Pure Heart of Mary, & St. Edward's) who are receiving their high school diploma in June 2024. Applicants must be planning to pursue post-secondary studies/training within the next school year (2024-2025).

Applicants must provide the scholarship selection committee with:


1) A copy of their acceptance letter to a post- secondary program issued by the University/College/Institution.

2) A brief description about how the applicant has been active withing the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes.

3) Two letters of reference. (Offered by non- family members who have known the applicant for at least two years, and must indicate in what capacity.)


Application forms will be available at the entrances of all 3 churches OR may be downloaded electronically from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Facebook page. DUE: May 31st, 2024.

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Miramichi - St. Patrick's, MPHM, & St. Edward's | Miramichi NB | Facebook

Purpose: To assist a deserving female student to pursue further studies or training at a recognized post-secondary institution

 Submit to the main office at JMH by May 15th

 Recipient will be selected by: Nancy Lordon Memorial Scholarship Committee


        Must demonstrate leadership skills

        Successful graduation from James M. Hill

        Minimum of two years at this high school

        Applicant must have applied to a post-secondary institution


Based on need, marks, and participation in school and community
