Posted: April 19, 2017
Nutrition 120
Reminder of Quiz on Proteins on Friday
Biology 112
no HW
Science 10
complete Molecular Compounds sheet that was given in class today.
Reminder of Test on Chp 5 on Friday!!!
Posted: April 19, 2017
Nutrition 120
Reminder of Quiz on Proteins on Friday
Biology 112
no HW
Science 10
complete Molecular Compounds sheet that was given in class today.
Reminder of Test on Chp 5 on Friday!!!
Posted: April 13, 2017
Nutrition 120
no HW
Reminder Goal sheets with your analysis were due today. If you did not pass them in today get them in ASAP. Remember every day it is late you are losing 10% and I am not accpeting them after 5 days.
Biology 112
no HW
Science 10
complete review sheet ALL ionic compounds. Reminder of Quiz on Tuesday on All Ionic Compounds. Also we are almost finished Chp 5 there will be a test on Friday on Chp5
Posted: April 11, 2017
Nutrition 120
no HW we had a Test today on Fats. Reminder to students who were absent you will write your test tomorrow. See Miss Manderson to arrange a time during lunch or study block.
Reminder Goal sheet with Written Analysis is due on Thursday.
Biology 112
no HW. The answers to the worksheet and textbook questions were gone over today in class and we started a lab. Students who were absent can see below for the answers to the work that was completed yesterday. Those who were absent for the lab can join a group tomorrow.
Science 10
pg 198 #4,6,7 and Polyatomic WS
Remind of Quiz on Thursday on all Ionic Compounds and a Test on Chp 5 is coming up at the end of next week.
Posted: April 10, 2017
Nutrition 120
Test tomorrow on Fats. Answers to review are posted below.
Reminder Nutrition goal sheet with reflection write up is due on Thursday
Biology 112
Complete Secrion 19-1 Bacteria WS, p. 477 # 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, Drawing of Bacteria
Science 10
pg 198 #1,2,3
Posted: April 7, 2017
Nutrition 120
no HW, however any students who didnt pass in their fat assignment today can pass it in on Monday (which is the last day)
Reminder of Goal sheet that is due on Monday. You need to have your met or not met filled in as well as a note and the analysis compelted to pass in.
Also Reminder of Test on Tuesday on Fats
Biology 112
no HW
Science 10
Ionic Compounds WS
Posted: April 6, 2017
Nutrition 120
Your Fast Food Analysis Assignment is due tomorrow at the beginning of class
Reminder of Test on Tuesday on Fats
Also reminder that your goal sheets are due on Monday. You will need to fill in the goal sheets as met or not met and include notes about your progress, also there is a reflection that you need to write up as well.
Biology 112
no HW we had our quiz today on Classification. Tomorrow you will start with the Kingdom Monera with Miss Manderson (student teacher)
Science 10
complete the Try this questions that were on the board at the end of class
Posted: April 5, 2017
Nutrition 120
no HW you will continue working on your assignment in class tomorrow. It is due Friday at the beginning of class.
Also reminder of Test on Tuesday on Fats and to continue to fill in your goal sheet as met or not met with notes assessing your progress. The 6 week daily sheets as well as the summary are due on Monday.
Biology 112
Quiz tomorrow on Classification. The 6 Kingdom sheet, Classification Crossword and the Classification Quiz Review are for homework. The answers are posted below for you to check before tomorrows quiz.
Science 10
Quiz tomorrow on Ionic Compounds. Complete pg 195 #3-6 as well as the Ionic Compound Worksheet that was given in class today. We will go over the answers tomorrow before the quiz.
Posted: April 4, 2017
Nutrition 120
Reminder to continue to mark goals as met or not met with notes about how you are progressing and feeling. This is the last week and your goal sheet as well as your reflection is due on Monday.
Reminder of Test on fats on Tuesday
Biology 112
complete questions pg 461 #1-6, as well as the worksheets that were given out in class today
Reminder of Quiz on Thursday on Classification, Kingdoms and Domains
Science 10
pg 189 #1,3,4 as well as the forming ionic compounds worksheet
Posted: April 3, 2017
Nutrition 120
no HW
Reminder this is your last week of your goal sheet. You need to continue to mark your goal as met or not met and provide notes.
Biology 112
No homework. Reminder there is a quiz on Thursday on Classification
Science 10
pg 187 #4-6
Reminder to anyone who didn't pass in their case study that was due today to get it in ASAP. Every day it is late you are losing 10% and it will not be accepted after 5 days.
Posted: March 30, 2017
Nutrition 120
no HW
Reminder to continue to mark your goals as met or not met and continue to keep notes. Next week will be week 6 which is the final week for your goal.
Also reminder there will be a test near the end of next week on Fats
Biology 112
pg 450 #1-6
Science 10
Case Studies are due Monday. If you were absent today the assignment is posted below.