Mr. MacDonald

Here you can find all course content such as digital files, weblinks, videos and more.

Posted: January 22, 2015

Physics 112Course Outline: physics_112_course_outline_fall_2015.pdfProblem Set: physics_112_problem_set.pdfPhysics Handbook: jmh_physics_handbook.pdfResource: https://dl.dropboxusercontent....YouTube Videos: Physics 112 YouTube PlaylistSummary of Physics Concepts: physics_concepts.pdfPhysical Science Concepts: physical_science_concepts.pdfPhysics Study Guide: physics_flexbook_study_guides.pdfeText: jmh_science_physics_112-122.pdfPhysics 122Course Outline: physics_122_spring_2015_course_outline.pdfProblem Set: physics_122_problem_set_2014-2015.pdfPhysics Handbook: jmh_physics_handbook.pdfResource: https://dl.dropboxusercontent....YouTube Videos:Physics 122 YouTube PlaylisteText: jmh_science_physics_112-122.pdfSummary of Physics Concepts:physics_concepts.pdfPhysical Science Concepts:physical_science_concepts.pdfPhysics Study Guide:physics_flexbook_study_guides.pdfPhysical Science 10Course Outline: science_10_spring_2015_course_outline.pdfPhysical Science Concepts:physical_science_concepts.pdfSummary of Physics Concepts: physics_concepts.pdfFlexbook Resource: jmh_physical_science_10_etextbook.pdfResource: 9Resource: Recommended and Useful Apps: **Important Note**  Student are allowed to use a personal device to view/read course content in this class.  These devices can be their phone (iPhone, Blackberry, Samsung, etc), tablet (iPad, iPod, Acer, Hipstreet, etc) , or laptop.  If bringing any of these to school please guard them carefully and remember to abide by school policy of regarding the use of such devices.  If you do not want to use your own device I will try to get a few netbooks for the classroom.iOS/Apple Products:  To save and view a course document you must have an app installed capable of opening .pdf file.  The iTunes store is filled with free and cheap options; a few are (some have different versions depending on your device):  GoodReader (iphone/ipad - $) Reader: (iphone/ipad - free).View this website on your device and click the file you want to save.  After it opens you should see an option to open it within a specified app.  Once opened with the app it is saved.  Repeat those steps for all the files you want.  I would allot 500 Mb for the files we would have this semester.Graphing Calculator by Desmos (free): (free or $): I and II HD ($): 100% 50% no-repeat;">CK12 Free Textbooks: Products:  You can save a file at any time to your device, but you require an app to view that file.  To save the file follow the steps listed above once you open this websit on your device.  Go to the app store on your device and download the free Adobe Reader app (  There may be many others but this app worked well for me.

Posted: January 22, 2015

Posted: January 22, 2015

Posted: January 9, 2015

Since we couldn't break wine glasses with sound - we did the next best thing.

Katie is looking at the relationship of bounce height and deformation of various sports balls.

Posted: January 7, 2015

Gillian and Brad recorded the motions of a non-newtonian fluid under forces provided by a speaker vibrating at 25 Hz.


Image Galleries


Added: Wed, Dec 18 2019


Physics 122: Projectiles at Complementary Angles Problem
Physics 122: 2015 Test Collection
Physics 112: Wave Interference June 1
Physics 112: Wave Interference May 29