Mr. MacDonald

Here you can find all course content such as digital files, weblinks, videos and more.
In Feb 2010 four students from both JMH and MVHS went to Saskatoon to participate in the Students on the Beamline program.  They performed a detailed surface analysis of a meteorite and found exciting results that are leading to more research and publishable data!

Posted: September 2, 2010

I hope you enjoyed the weather this past summer!  This semester I am happy to be teaching Physics 11 and 12, and Computer Science 11. Check this website daily for class updates, assignment, pics, videos, weblinks, upcomming events, and documents.


Image Galleries


Added: Wed, Dec 18 2019


Physics 112: Newtons Law Practice #1
Physics 112: Force Practice #2
Physics 112: Force Practice #1
Physics 112: Forces Notes (complete)