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Posted: February 18, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 - Guest Speaker Mark Terry Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Guest Speaker Mark Terry  Work on Unit 2 Assignment Assignment_-_Unit_2.doc Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Finish and Submit Unit 1 Assignment and email both the Powerpoint and the written portion to Mr. O'Toole.  The paper that your group submits should be in 1 document. 

Posted: February 17, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 - Finish Photoshop Activity 1 Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Finish  Unit_2_questions.doc Print off and pass in.  Begin Unit 2 Assignment Assignment_-_Unit_2.docPeriod 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course MaterialStudy Block- Room A108Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Unit 1 Assignment.  You should be in the final stages of wrapping up your project.  Be sure to proof read your essay and Powerpoint to ensure proper spelling and grammar.  Your project is due at the end of class tomorrow February 17th.
Microsoft Office document icon Unit_2_questions_0.doc24.5 KB
Microsoft Office document icon Assignment_-_Unit_2.doc26.5 KB

Posted: February 16, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 - Work on Photoshop Activity 1 - Your Layout should contain the 2 pictures that were given to you in class and 3 more downloaded from the internet. Your file should also include 2 text letters with text effects applied.Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Read Unit 2 course material and answer - Unit_2_questions.docPeriod 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course MaterialStudy Block- Room A108Period 6 - Digital Sound - Continue Working on Unit 1 Assignment 
Microsoft Office document icon Unit_2_questions.doc24.5 KB

Posted: February 15, 2010

Posted: February 15, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 - Intro to Photoshop Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Unit 1 Quiz - Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material.  Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Greatest Album of All Time Presentations

Posted: February 11, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 - Finish Assignment_2.doc Print off and pass in by end of class. Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Finish Dream Computer assignment.  Read Unit 1 course material and prepare for Quiz on Monday. Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material.  Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Continue working on Unit 1 Assignment. Digital_Sound_Assignment_UNIT1.doc

Posted: February 11, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 - Pass in Unit 1 Assignment.  Begin working on Assignment_2.doc Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Finish Hardware Lab Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material.  Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Greatest Album of All Time Presentations.
Microsoft Office document icon Assignment_2.doc27.5 KB

Posted: February 8, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  Finish Unit 1 Assignment.  Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Finish Dreamcomputer Assignment.  Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material.  Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Unit 1 Assignment.

Posted: February 8, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  Work on Unit 1 Assignment. Multi_Media_-assignment_1.doc Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Work on Dreamcomputer Assignment. CS110Unit1Assign.doc Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Work on Unit 1 Assignment. Digital_Sound_Assignment_UNIT1.doc

Posted: February 8, 2010

Period 2 - Multimedia 120 -  Guest Speakers - Mr. Savoy & Mr. Hayward - Power of Technology. Period 3 - Computer Science 110  - Computer Hardware Lab Activity. Period 4 - Comp Sci/Acct 120 - Work on Course Material. Study Block- Room A108 Period 6 - Digital Sound - Unit 1 Assignment Introduction. Digital_Sound_Assignment_UNIT1.doc
Microsoft Office document icon Digital_Sound_Assignment_UNIT1.doc33.5 KB


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