Ms. Wheaton

ink blot

Posted: November 4, 2014

Political Science-  Review Charts on Gov't Structures.                                 Read and notate handout on "Canadian Constititution" .  English 12 3 -  No Homework. English 10 - No Homework.  * Be a Super Hero !  

Posted: October 31, 2014

Political Science _ Review new notes on the U.S. Constitution/Charts on Gov't Structures English 123 _ Complete any outstanding assignments.  English 10 _ Poetry Project "The Moon" due on Monday Nov.3rd.2014

Posted: October 29, 2014

Political Science  -  Study new notes (British Gov't Structure; US Constitution) English 123 -   a) Vocabulary > Study meanings  ... Test Friday Oct.31st.English 10 -  a) Vocabulary > Study meanings  ... Test Friday Oct.31st.

Posted: October 24, 2014

Political Science  -  a) Watch & Listen to the Prime Minister and Opposition Leaders address to the nation.       b) List the common features between all 3 addresses.                                 c) List 3 things that make each speech stand out.  English 123 -   a)Complete worksheet regarding  "Simile & Metaphor". b) AoW #5 and Sirt #5 Due MondayEnglish 10 -  a) AoW #5 and Sirt #5 Due Monday

Posted: October 23, 2014

Political Science  -  a) Watch & Listen to the Prime Minister and Opposition Leaders address to the nation.      b) List the common features between all 3 addresses.                                 c) List 3 things that make each speech stand out.  English 123 -   a)Complete worksheet regarding  "Simile & Metaphor".       b)Vocabulary #5 - Quiz Tomorrow (Friday, Oct. 24th) English 10 -  a) Vocabulary #5 - Quiz Tomorrow (Friday, Oct.24th)  

Posted: October 22, 2014

Political Science -    a) Now overdue: "Development of Parlimentary Democracy".  finish it for tomorrow !!  Take a look at this tonight : English 12 3 -  a) Working on AoW #5 & SIRT #5  English 10 -   a) Workig on Aow #5 & SIRT #5 b) Complete Two Worksheets "Simile/Metaphor"  & "Appealing to the Senses"  **** DON'T FORGET TO BRING HIGHLIGHTERS ! ***** 

Posted: October 20, 2014

Political Science - Working on Assignment:  Evolution of British Parlimentary Democracy.                              Due at the end of class tomorrow.  English 12 3 -   Final Copies of Letters are overdue.  Make sure to have it sent to me and have your draft in class tomorrow.    English 10 - Work on Vocab.#4.   Make sure to finish any past work (Sirt #4/ AoW#4/ Letters).                    Poetry Unit begins tomorrow. 

Posted: October 17, 2014

Political Science - Working on Assignment:  Evolution of British Parlimentary Democracy.  English 12 3 -   Complete AoW #4 and SIRT #4 - Due Monday.  English 10 - Complete AoW #4 and SIRT #4 - Due Monday. 

Posted: October 16, 2014

Political Science -  Review all notes on "Constitutions".  Pay Attention to 4 major events of democratic evolution.   English 12(3) -  AoW#4 "Losing"   &  SIRT #4  "additional ending" -- Due on Monday, Oct.20th.  English 10 -   AoW#4 "Losing"   &  SIRT #4  "additional ending"  Due on Monday, Oct.20th.

Posted: October 15, 2014

Political Science -  a) Review all notes on "Constitutions" .   English 12(3) -  a) Get any outstanding work finished up ASAP !     b) Working on Formatting Letters now.      c) AoW#4 "Losing"   &  SIRT #4  "additional ending"  Due on Monday, Oct.20th.  English 10 -   a) Letter of Complaint-  Class is now formatting and finishing up email me your final version.                         b) AoW#4 "Losing"   &  SIRT #4  "additional ending"  Due on Monday, Oct.20th.
