Ms. Wheaton

ink blot

Posted: September 5, 2014

Political Science 12-  Scan the news for top stories on CTV & CBCEnglish 123 - No homeworkEnglish 10 - No homework 

Posted: June 6, 2014

Last Day of Classes !! * Study for your Exams !              -->Your almost there !

Posted: June 3, 2014

English - Exam Review has started.  Students should be drafting exam essays. Political Science - Exam Review has begun !   Organize your persoanl notes for Units 1 and 2.   Canadian History - Exam Review starts tomorrow.  Tonight, organize your binders/notes.  

Posted: May 30, 2014

Englsih -  Research Essay (MLA Citation) overdue!  Get them in MONDAY.    Political Science - Finish up outstanding assignments:  P.M's Cabinet & Commentary                          -  MP/Senator Agenda Project DUE MONDAY!  Canadian History - Power Point Presentations MONDAY !  

Posted: May 28, 2014

Englsih -  Research Essay (MLA Citation) overdue!  Get them in .... ASAP  (Lunch time and SB to work on them!)   Political Science - Finish up outstanding assignments:  P.M's Cabinet & Commentary                          -  MP/Senator Agenda Project is now underway.  Canadian History -  Working on PowerPoints on various International Organizations, to which Canada belongs.   BE A HOMEWORK SUPER HERO! ->  

Posted: May 27, 2014

Englsih -  Quiz Tomorrow -> Act I, Act II, Act III (Study your handout).             -  Research Essay (MLA Citation)  DUE ON Tomorrow at the start of class !!!   Political Science - Finish up outstanding assignments:  P.M's Cabinet & Commentary                             *Drama Students - Test Tomorrow : Functions of Parliment Canadian History - Complete Reading on 'Mulroney'                               *Drama Students - Test Tomorrow  BE A HOMEWORK SUPER HERO! ->  

Posted: May 26, 2014

Englsih -  Quiz Tomorrow -> Introduction to Julius Caesar (His Life and Times)             -  Research Essay (MLA Citation)  DUE ON WEDNESDAY !!!   Political Science - no homework     *Drama Students - Test WednesdayCanadian History - no homework     *Drama Students - Test Wednesday

Posted: May 23, 2014

English 10 -  Finish up Research Essay.  Final Submission is due Wednesday, May 28th. (no more class time !)                    Next week we begin Julius Caesar_Movie and Project.  Political Science-  Test Monday Canadian History-  Test Monday

Posted: May 21, 2014

English- Students have their Essay Topics and should be researching and finding sources.              All Prep Work and Outline Work must be done by Friday. Political Science - Study and create you notes on Functions of Parliment (set 3) Re: Standing Committees etc.                           - Review tomorrow... test Friday Canadian History -  Assignment:  1 page (front and back) study guide for sets 5,7 and 7b.                            - Review tomorrow and friday..... test Monday 

Posted: May 20, 2014

English- Students have their Essay Topics and should be researching and finding sources.              All Prep Work and Outline Work must be done by Thrusday.   Political Science - Study your notes on "A Working Day in the Chamber".                            There are 7 Divisions of a Day in the House of Commons; 4 Main Duties of an M.P.   Know them. Canadian History - Study Set 7... Re; Canada and WWII.   
