Ms. Wheaton

ink blot

Posted: April 23, 2014

Canadian History -   Test on the Laurier Years tomorrow  (study sets 1 &2 ) English - No homework  (Worked on the essay "Children's Allowances") Political Science -   Just a few people need to write the test that ran today.  Study up! 

Posted: April 22, 2014

English -  Review notes on the "Types of Essays" &  "Parts of the Esay". Political Science - Test Tomorrow (Canadian Parliment/How a 'Bill' Becomes Law) Canadian History - Did Quiz on 'Ads & Immigration';   Study Set1 and Set 2 for Test Thrusday. 

Posted: April 16, 2014

English-  Complete questions on the deconstruction of the essay "The Eye of the Beholder". Political Science -  Review Notes Set 1 & Set 2 & Chart on the Leglislative Process.  Test Next Week.  Canadian History - Review Ad Campaign Website - Test Tuesday;   Set 1 & Set 2_ Test Thrusday of next week.                * Have a Happy Easter my little bunnies !   Be safe & easy on the sweets ! 

Posted: April 15, 2014

Political Science - Study notes on the Leglislative Process Canadian History - Study - Quiz Tomorrow :  Immigration Advertisements. English - Think about a topic you may wish to research for the new ESSAY UNIT.   Now overdue:  a_ Novel Study Package 'B'                     b_ Editorial (Maycomb Tribune)                     c_ Transitions Excercises (3 pages) .  * Its an up hill climb sometimes, but you can do it!   You're almost at the there, almost at the top!  

Posted: April 10, 2014

English -  Essay Unit.  Complete Transitions Exercise (Topic Statements). Political Science - Revie Notes Set 1. Canadian History - Group Work Re:Advertising/ Cdn.Website.  Make sure your personal work is complete. 

Posted: April 9, 2014

English - Tomorrow is the final day to pass in Novel Study Package 2.              - All Editorials should also be passed in.             - New Unit begins Thrusday :) Political Science - Began a new unit on CANADIAN Constitutions/Parliment                            - Study Intro notes.  Canadian History-   Begining a new unit on Wilfrid Laurier and The Last Best West.                             - Group work begins tomorrow, BE IN CLASS. 

Posted: April 7, 2014

English - Tomorrow we complete and print our Editorials.               Package 2 due in class on Wednesday.  (Work on Sections re: themes/conflicts/settings) Political Science - Test 2 on Constitutions tomorrow. Canadian History - Test 2 on "Settling The West" (Manitoba, Sask., B.C. and P.E.I.)

Posted: April 3, 2014

English - Work on Section #6 (Setting and Sub-settings).  Monday we will format and print Editorials Political Science - Chart Test Monday Canadian History - Test Tuesday (Study your review package). 

Posted: April 2, 2014

Welcome back my snow weary students !  English - Complete your work on Package 2.  Tomorrow we finish the movie.  Move on to our Editorial work.  Political Science - READ and REVIEW all notes on basic constitutions (Formal / Informal ...US/Brit/Can charts)                         - Chart Test is MONDAY and the written part of the test is probably Tuesday.  Canadian History - Reviewing for test. Complete your 'study package'.  BIG test is Tuesday for sure. 

Posted: March 28, 2014

Political Science - Study Charts on Britian and USA government structures.  FINISH NOTATING                            Reading:  "Blended" Canadian Constitution.  Canadian History - Using Outline developed today, review Assignments 2-3-4-5.  Study period Monday,                             Test on Tuesday. 
