
Posted: November 17, 2010

Tomorrow, Thursday Nov 18, is Blue Day!  Wear your blue to support anti-bullying. Friday, Nov 19, is Green and Gold Day!  Show that Tommie pride!

Posted: November 14, 2010

Documents pertaining to the school improvement plan and the provincial literacy results have been uploaded.  Check them out in the school documents section or right here: School Improvement Plan - November 2010 Provincial Literacy Results

Posted: November 12, 2010

James M Hill Memorial High School will pursue EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AND LEARNING through an inclusive offering of academic, technological and extra-curricular endeavours. The school’s mission will be accomplished within a safe, positive environment that fosters intellectual growth, health and wellness, artistic expression, community partnerships, good citizenship and life-long learning for all.  Tommies; Teaching and Learning for Tomorrow

Posted: November 8, 2010

Monday, Nov. 8, is the start of a new Study Block cycle (Student Room Assignments for Study Block Nov 8 - 26 ).  Remember to be punctual and bring your work or something to read.  If you need to use a computer fill out the form (Computer Request During Study Block Form); you can also find this form in the library, by room 811, and from Mr. MacDonald. Wednesday will be our Remembrance Day Ceremony. No School Thursday (Remembrance Day)

Posted: November 1, 2010

There is much ado this week at JMH (check out the events calendar for details and times).  Tuesday: Report cards and grade 9 inoculations Wednesday:  Take our Kids to Work Day (grade 9) and Grade 12 inoculations Thursday: Potential grad info meeting during period 2 and parent teacher interviews from 6 - 8. Friday: No Classes, parent teacher interviews 8:45 to 11:45.

Posted: October 21, 2010

Remember to dress in pink to show your support for cancer patients, survivors, and research.

Posted: October 21, 2010

Please check the documents section of the JMH website (left hand side of the main page) for two important documents:  Course Descriptions 2010-2011(course_descriptions_2010-2011.pdf) and Student Code of Conduct(student_code_of_conduct.pdf)  

Posted: October 19, 2010

Approximately 1/3 of deaths in Canada are related to cancer and it is estimated that 173 800 new cases will be diagnosed in our country this year. James M. Hill Student Council has decided to plan a Cancer Awareness week which will be held on October 18th, until the 22nd. All week long student activities will be held to raise money for Cancer Awareness. The theme of this week is Think Pink, the symbolic color for Breast Cancer.

Posted: October 17, 2010

The third cycle of study block starts Monday Oct 18 and runs to Nov 4.  Check the student room assignments posted by the library and the office.  If your name is not there go to room 522 during study block.

Posted: October 16, 2010

Parent-teacher interviews are set for Thursday Nov 4 from 6 - 8pm (please note the date change as the interviews were scheduled for Wednesday but are now Thursday evening), and Friday Nov 5 from 8:45 - 11:45.


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