Mr. MacDonald Notes

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Posted: February 22, 2012

 Science 122Conservation of Mechanical Energy (notes: cnsvtn_mechanical_energy_feb_20_2012.pdf)Problems are in the notes, text, or handed out in class.Test is Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 22-23, 2012.Comp. Sci. 110Students now have acces to the online notes: 3 notes.  unit_3_questions.pdfFunctions & RelationsLaw of Sines and Cosines Review (solutions_to_law_of_sines_-_cosines.pdf)Trig Unit Review (trigonometry_unit_-_review.pdf)Trig test is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 27/2012Physics 112Graphing Motion: Displacement - Time (graphical-analysis-motion-notes-feb_20.pdf)Graphing Displacement Practice (contained in the above notes)Wii Physics Demo 

Posted: February 21, 2012

Science 122Conservation of Mechanical Energy (notes: cnsvtn_mechanical_energy_feb_20_2012.pdf)Problems are in the notes, text, or handed out in class.Test is Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 22-23, 2012.Comp. Sci. 110Students now have acces to the online notes: 3 notes.  unit_3_questions.pdfFunctions & RelationsVariety show today.Trig test is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 27/2012Physics 112Variety show today.Graphing Motion: Displacement - Time (graphical-analysis-motion-notes-feb_20.pdf)

Posted: February 20, 2012

Science 122Conservation of Mechanical Energy (notes: cnsvtn_mechanical_energy_feb_20_2012.pdf)Problems are in the notes, text, or handed out in class.Test is Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 22-23, 2012.Comp. Sci. 110Students now have acces to the online notes: 3 notes.Functions & RelationsLaw of Sines (notes: law_sines_notes_feb_15_2012.pdf)Worksheet Solutions (solutions_to_law_of_sines_worksheet.pdf)Law of Cosines (notes: law_cosines_notes_feb_20_2012.pdf)Worksheet Solutions (solutions_to_law_of_cosines.pdf)Physics 112Graphing Motion: Displacement - Time (graphical-analysis-motion-notes-feb_20.pdf) 

Posted: February 17, 2012

Science 122Conservation of Mechanical Energy (notes: cnsvtn_mechanical_energy_feb_14_2012.pdf)Problems are in the notes, text, or handed out in class.Test is Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 22-23, 2012.Comp. Sci. 110Students now have acces to the online notes: 1 and 2 quiz on Thursday, Feb. 16 with a make-up quiz Friday, Feb 17.Functions & RelationsLaw of Sines (notes: law_sines_notes_feb_15_2012.pdf)Worksheet Solutions (solutions_to_law_of_sines_worksheet.pdf)Law of Cosines (notes: law_cosines_notes_feb_17_2012.pdf)Worksheet Solutions (solutions_to_law_of_cosines.pdf)Physics 112Introduction to Motion (intro_motion_feb_16-17_2012.pdf)Conceptual Problems bottom of pg 41.  Practice problem 2 pg 45. Section Review 2.2 pg 46 #'s 1, 2, 3.Read Section 2.3 pg 47 - 60.Worksheet Part II (resultant_worksheet.pdf) 

Posted: February 15, 2012

Science 122Conservation of Mechanical Energy (notes: cnsvtn_mechanical_energy_feb_14_2012.pdf)Problems are in the notes, text, or handed out in class.Test is Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 22-23, 2012.Comp. Sci. 110Unit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf). This should be completed and submitted.Unit 2 Assignment (assignment-unit_2.pdf).  We started this assignment today and should be completed by this Friday.Students now have acces to the online notes: 1 and 2 quiz on Thursday, Feb. 16.Functions & RelationsArea of a triangle (notes: area_triangle_notes_feb_14_2012.pdf)Worksheet Solutions (solutions_area_triangle_worksheet1.pdf; solutions_area_triangle_worksheet2.pdf)Law of Sines (notes: law_sines_notes_feb_15_2012.pdf) Worksheet Solutions (solutions_to_law_of_sines_worksheet.pdf)Physics 112Motion pre-test and introduction.Worksheet Part II (resultant_worksheet.pdf)

Posted: February 14, 2012

Science 122Conservation of Mechanical Energy (notes: cnsvtn_mechanical_energy_feb_14_2012.pdf)Problems are in the notes, text, or handed out in class.Test is Monday, Feb. 20, 2012.Comp. Sci. 110Unit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf). This should be completed and submitted.Unit 2 Assignment (assignment-unit_2.pdf).  We started this assignment today and should be completed by this Friday.Students now have acces to the online notes: 1 and 2 quiz on Thursday, Feb. 16.Functions & RelationsArea of a triangle (notes: area_triangle_notes_feb_14_2012.pdf)Worksheet Solutions (solutions_area_triangle_worksheet1.pdf; solutions_area_triangle_worksheet2.pdf)Physics 112Calculating ResultantsWorksheet Part II (resultant_worksheet.pdf) 

Posted: February 13, 2012

Science 122Conservation of Mechanical Energy.Problems are in the notes or handed out in class.Test is Monday, Feb. 20, 2012.Comp. Sci. 110Unit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf). This should be completed and submitted.Unit 2 Assignment (assignment-unit_2.pdf).  We started this assignment today and should be completed by this Friday.Students now have acces to the online notes: 1 and 2 quiz on Thursday, Feb. 16.Functions & RelationsQuiz on Monday, Feb 13, 2012Physics 112Quiz on Monday, Feb. 13, 2012

Posted: February 10, 2012

Science 122Conservation of Energy.Problems are in the notes or handed out in class.Test is Monday, Feb. 20, 2012.Comp. Sci. 110Unit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf). This should be completed and submitted.Unit 2 Assignment (assignment-unit_2.pdf).  We started this assignment today and should be completed by this Friday.Students now have acces to the online notes: & RelationsAngles of Elevation & Depression: angles_elevation_depression_feb_9_2012.pdfWorksheet#4 solutions: trig_worksheet4_solutions.pdfWorksheet$5 solutions: trig_worksheet5_solutions.pdfQuiz on Monday, Feb 13, 2012Physics 112Vector Notes: vectors_notes.pdfVector Lab: Displacement to Another RoomPart I of the Vectors Worksheet: resultant_worksheet.pdfPractice Problems Pg. 93-94 # 8 - 11Review: Pg 117 #19, 20a, 22a, 27aQuiz on Monday, Feb. 13, 2012

Posted: February 9, 2012

Science 122Elastic potential energy and efficiency.  Updated Notes: work_power_and_energy_feb_7.pdfProblems are in the notes or handed out in class.Comp. Sci. 110Unit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf). This should be completed and submitted.Unit 2 Assignment (assignment-unit_2.pdf).  We started this assignment today and should be completed by this Friday.Students now have acces to the online notes: & RelationsAngles of Elevation & Depression: angles_elevation_depression_feb_9_2012.pdfWorksheet#3 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet3_solutions.pdfWorksheet#4 solutions: trig_worksheet4_solutions.pdfPhysics 112Vector Notes: vectors_notes.pdfVector Lab: Displacement to Another RoomPart I of the Vectors Worksheet: resultant_worksheet.pdfPractice Problems Pg. 93-94 # 8 - 11Review: Pg 117 #19, 20a, 22a, 27a 

Posted: February 8, 2012

Science 122Elastic potential energy and efficiency.  Updated Notes: work_power_and_energy_feb_7.pdfProblems are in the notes or handed out in class.Comp. Sci. 110Unit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf). This should be completed and submitted.Unit 2 Assignment (assignment-unit_2.pdf).  We started this assignment today and should be completed by this Friday.Went through unit one notes (not accessable to students yet.  Hopefully tomorrow).Functions & RelationsSolving right triangles (solving_right_triangles_feb_8_2012.pdf)Worksheet#1 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet1_solutions.pdf)Worksheet#2 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet2_angles_solutions.pdf)Worksheet#3 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet3_solutions.pdfPhysics 112Vector Notes: vectors_notes.pdfSolving equations review (equations_review.pdf)Part I of the Vectors Worksheet: resultant_worksheet.pdf 

Posted: February 7, 2012

Science 122Work, Kinetic, and Potential Energy.  Updated Notes: work_power_and_energy_feb_7.pdfToday we completed up tp elastic potential energy.Problems are in the notes or handed out in class.Comp. Sci. 110Intro to Course; course outline: comp_sci_110_outline.pdfUnit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf). This should be completed and submitted.Went through unit one notes (not accessable to students yet.  Hopefully tomorrow).Functions & RelationsFinding angles and sides in right triangles (trig_angles_sides_feb_7_2012.pdf)Worksheet#1 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet1_solutions.pdf)Worksheet#2 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet2_angles_solutions.pdf)Worksheet#3 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet3_solutions.pdfPhysics 112Vector Notes:  vectors_notes.pdfSolving equations review (equations_review.pdf)

Posted: February 6, 2012

Science 122Work; Notes: work_power_and_energy.pdfToday we completed up tp Potential Energy.Problems are in the notes.Comp. Sci. 110Intro to Course; course outline: comp_sci_110_outline.pdfUnit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf). This should be completed and submitted.Functions & RelationsFinding angles in right triangles (trig_angle_feb_6_2012.pdf)Worksheet#1 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet1_solutions.pdf)Worksheet#2 (not available for download; solutions: trig_worksheet2_angles_solutions.pdf)Physics 112Intro to physics. Notes:  intro_physics_lessons.pdfVector Notes:  vectors_notes.pdfSolving equations review (equations_review.pdf) 

Posted: February 3, 2012

Science 122Work; Notes: work_power_and_energy.pdfProblems are in the notes.Comp. Sci. 110Intro to Course; course outline: comp_sci_110_outline.pdfUnit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf).  We are working on this today and tomorrow (Friday).Functions & RelationsCourse Outline: funcrelcourseoutline.pdfTrigonometry Review (trigonometrybasic_notes.pdf) Worksheet (not available for download; solutions:  trig_worksheet1_solutions.pdf)Physics 112Intro to physics. Notes:  intro_physics_lessons.pdfSolving equations review (equations_review.pdf)

Posted: February 2, 2012

Science 122Work; Notes: work_power_and_energy.pdfProblems are in the notes.Comp. Sci. 110Intro to Course; course outline: comp_sci_110_outline.pdfUnit 1 Assignment (cs110unit1assign.pdf).  We are working on this today and tomorrow (Friday).Functions & RelationsCourse Outline:  funcrelcourseoutline.pdfTrigonometry Review (trigonometrybasic_notes.pdf) Worksheet (not available for download)Physics 112Intro to physics. Notes:  intro_physics_lessons.pdfSolving equations review (equations_review.pdf)
