Mr. MacDonald Notes

Here you can find all course content such as digital files, weblinks, videos and more.


Posted: September 5, 2018

Chemistry 112 Periods 1 & 3

Physical Science 10 Period 4

  • Overview of course, classroom and expectations.
  • physical_science_10_course_outline.pdf
  • Our first activity will be this Friday, Sept. 7.  Please have a dedicated lab notebook, duotang, folder or coiled notebook for then.

Physics 112 Period 5

Posted: June 5, 2018

I have had a great two years as the Science Lead for ASDN.  I've learned a lot and am looking forward to returning to my teaching position in the Fall of 2018.  The classes i teach will have a more student central approach to learning through engaging your passions and ideas.  Have a great summer and see you in September 2018!

Posted: June 6, 2016

The exam review solutions are contained in the files below.

Posted: May 26, 2016

We will continue with the waves unit on Monday.

Questions Pg. 278 # 1 - 6

The notes are contained in the documents below.  The worksheet for today is also there (with answers on the last page).

Complete the questions on the last page of the notes and the two worksheets on graphing inequalities.  All files are downloadable below.

This file contains information on how you will be evaluated as you start working through your projects.  Note draft and final project deadlines are Friday May 13 and 27 at 4:00 pm, respectively.  ***Note: Drafts will not be accepted after 4pm on Friday May 20 (late marks are deducted as outlined in the rubric), and final projects will not be accepted after 4pm on Friday June 3 2016 2016 (the final written project will be deducted 1 mark per day late).

Posted: March 22, 2016

We have been working through many examples of solving linear equations.  We are currently working on #s 1 - 8 of the Distribution Equations worksheet.

Posted: March 2, 2016

Physics 112

  • We will spend the next couple of days discussing data collection and analysis.  This will include an activity in the computer lab before and after March break (all relevant for your projects).
  • Spend some time thinking about what you want to investigate or an experiment for your projects.
  • Some interesting project ideas: Measuring the acceleration of a ball bounce, shooting/kicking/throwing objects, colliding objects, energy conservation, breaking an object.

Physics 122

  • We will start the next unit on projectile motion.
  • Keep thinking about what to investigate or an experiment for your project.
  • Example interesting topics like circular and/or simple harmonic motion (rollercoaster, car tracks, spinning an object, massess attached to springs), sun spot tracking using SOHO images, energy loss of a bouncing ball, modeling fitting a projectile's path incorporating air resistance, simulating the forces during a rocket launch, simulating the properties of an object undergoing various forces, analyzing the structure of a star.

Math 9

  • We will review your recent test and have a re-write on Friday with a similar test.  If you performed well on your original test you have the choice to work on a bonus project related to linear relations.

Pre-Cal 11

  • Moving on to more work with quadratics.

Posted: February 25, 2016

A reminder that all tests scheduled for Monday, Feb. 29 will run as scheduled.  See previous documents or the homework section of the my teacher page for review material.  Reviews in all classes will continue tomorrow.

Posted: January 18, 2016

The math 9 exam review is a handout that is not available for download.  All students were given a copy today.

Posted: December 2, 2015

Math 9

Complete homework from chapter 5.2 of text (page 222 #s 5 - 10) and review questions from page 214 #s 4 - 17 for tomorrow's quiz.

Physics 112

We have completed our time in the computer lab to collect data for your project. Take some time today to review Newton's three laws of motion. The problems on page 18 & 19 of the problem set will help.

Physics 112 Problem Set:

Physics 112 Notes:

Physics 112 YouTube Playlist:
