Mr. MacDonald Notes

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Posted: March 23, 2015

Physical Science 10 Period 1We will continue working in the computer lab using a computer program to analyze the motion of various objects.These are the files we have been or will be using this week.cart_collision_same_mass.movcart_collision_mass_difference.movball_drop.movphysical_science_1d_tracker_assignment_1.pdfphysical_science_1d_tracker_assignment_2.pdftracker_quick_start_guide.pdf Phyiscs 122 Period 2We have finished the unit on application of vectors and have started in to projectile motion.The last couple of days we have been using the Tracker Video Analysis software to analyze the motion of a ball moving in 2D.  Below are the files we have been using.You will have one more day, Wednesday, in the computer lab to complete the assignment.  Should that not be enough, or you are not in class Wednesday, the program and files can be borrowed to work on it at home.We start projectile motion in 2D Thursday.Start thinking about a lab experiment or demonstration to develop.newton_1st-interial.wmvtracker_2d_motion_analysis_1.pdftracker_quick_start_guide.pdf Computer Science 110 Period 4Time has been given to catch up on missing or incomplete assignments.  Use this time!Thursday we will review if-statements and generating random numbers.  You will then be assigned three projects to work on for the next week or so (they are below should you want to get started).cs110_assignments_8-11.pdf Physics 112 Period 6The unit on acceleration has been completed at time is given to review for Wednesday's (March 25) test.Following the test we will spend a few days in the computer lab learning to use the Tracker Video Analysis software to analyze the motion of an object.  The files needed for this are below:This project will run in to next week after which we will commence our study of forces.You will soon be given a lab project or demonstration to develop - start thinking about research topics.cart_collision_same_mass.movcart_collision_mass_difference.movball_drop.movphysics112_1d_tracker_assignment_1.pdfphysics112_1d_tracker_assignment_2.pdftracker_quick_start_guide.pdfDigital Resources for Spring 2015 Courses

Posted: March 20, 2015

Physical Science 10 Period 1We have been working in the computer lab using a computer program to analyze to motion of various objects.These are the files we have been or will be using next week.cart_collision_same_mass.movcart_collision_mass_difference.movball_drop.movphysical_science_1d_tracker_assignment_1.pdfphysical_science_1d_tracker_assignment_2.pdftracker_quick_start_guide.pdf Phyiscs 122 Period 2We have finished the unit on application of vectors and have started in to projectile motion.The last couple of days we have been using the Tracker Video Analysis software to analyze the motion of a ball moving in 2D.  Below are the files we have been using.newton_1st-interial.wmvtracker_2d_motion_analysis_1.pdftracker_quick_start_guide.pdf Computer Science 110 Period 4Time has been given to catch up on missing or incomplete assignments.  Use this time!Physics 112 Period 6The unit on acceleration has been completed at time is given to review for Tuesday's (March 24) test.Following the test we will spend a few periods in the computer lab learning to use the Tracker Video Analysis software to analyze the motion of an object.  The files needed for this are below:cart_collision_same_mass.movcart_collision_mass_difference.movball_drop.movphysics112_1d_tracker_assignment_1.pdfphysics112_1d_tracker_assignment_2.pdftracker_quick_start_guide.pdfDigital Resources for Spring 2015 Courses
Videos for Analysis
File newton_1st-interial.wmv3.42 MB
PDF icon tracker_2d_motion_analysis_1.pdf152.94 KB
PDF icon tracker_quick_start_guide.pdf1.52 MB
Here are the files we will use in our motion analysis project from March 19 - 25.
A reminder to students to work through questions 8, 10ab, 15, and 21 to prepare for tomorrow's test.

Posted: February 20, 2015

Physical Science 10 Period 1The graphical analysis of position with time.physical_sci_10_feb20.pdfPosition-Time Assignment: position_-_time_assignment.pdfDiscussions and problems relating to distance, displacement, average speed, and average velocity.physical_sci_10_feb12.pdfcart_collision_mass_difference.movPhyiscs 122 Period 2Physics in 2D! Introduction to learning how to analyze physics concepts in 2D.physics_122_app_vectors_feb_20_notes.pdfphysics_122_app_vectors_feb_19_notes.pdfNotes on 2D analysis: vector_components_reading_holt.pdfReview Questions: Page 13 of your problem set.physics_122_app_vectors_feb_12_notes.pdfComputer Science 110 Period 4Practice coding with variables and counters.Assignment #5: cs110_assignment_5_feb2015.pdfAssignment #4: cs110_assignment_4_feb2015.pdfPhysics 112 Period 6Position & Velocity quiz.physics_112_feb_18_notes.pdfThursday Notes: physics_112_feb_12_notes.pdfWednesday Notes: physics_112_feb_11_notes.pdfDigital Resources for Spring 2015 Courses

Posted: February 12, 2015

Physical Science 10 Period 1Discussions and problems relating to distance, displacement, average speed, and average velocity.physical_sci_10_feb12.pdfPractice Questions (we will review them Monday): kinematics_practice.pdfphysical_sci_10_feb9.pdfPhyiscs 122 Period 2Physics in 2D! Introduction to learning how to analyze physics concepts in 2D.Notes on 2D analysis: vector_components_reading_holt.pdfReview Questions: Page 13 of your problem set.physics_122_app_vectors_feb_12_notes.pdfComputer Science 110 Period 4Practice coding with variables.Assignment #4: cs110_assignment_4_feb2015.pdfPhysics 112 Period 6Introduced the graphical analysis of position and time.  The class concluded with a 10 multiple choice review activity using student phones.  We will do this again on Monday as a way to check student understanding on the concepts.Thursday Notes: physics_112_feb_12_notes.pdfMotion Quiz Wednesday, Feb. 18.Wednesday Notes: physics_112_feb_11_notes.pdfDigital Resources for Spring 2015 Courses

Posted: February 2, 2015

Physical Science 10 Period 1Still learning an introduction to science.Phyiscs 122 Period 2Motion review: First page of your problem set #1-2.Computer Science 110 Period 4cs110_assignment_2-3_feb2015.pdfCourse Outline: comp_sci_110_spring_2015_outline.pdfAssignment #1: cs110_assignment01.pdfThe general idea of how we code with Visual Basic has been introduced.  The focus was using buttons, labels and changing their properties.Physics 112 Period 6Introduced Motion, Frame of Reference, scalars & vectors.Digital Resources for Spring 2015 Courses

Posted: January 30, 2015

Physical Science 10 Period 1Working through a short introduction to science unit.  Handout pages 9-10 #s 1 - 7.We will continue Monday with disussions about research & technology.Phyiscs 122 Period 2Began a review of grade 11 motion topics.  We will continue that review on Monday with acceleration.Computer Science 110 Period 4Course Outline: comp_sci_110_spring_2015_outline.pdfAssignment #1: cs110_assignment01.pdfThe general idea of how we code with Visual Basic has been introduced.  The focus was using buttons, labels and changing their properties.Physics 112 Period 6General introduction to physics (science) and there was no assigned homework.The main part of the course starts up Monday.Digital Resources for Spring 2015 Courses

Posted: January 22, 2015

Physics 112Course Outline: physics_112_course_outline_fall_2015.pdfProblem Set: physics_112_problem_set.pdfPhysics Handbook: jmh_physics_handbook.pdfResource: https://dl.dropboxusercontent....YouTube Videos: Physics 112 YouTube PlaylistSummary of Physics Concepts: physics_concepts.pdfPhysical Science Concepts: physical_science_concepts.pdfPhysics Study Guide: physics_flexbook_study_guides.pdfeText: jmh_science_physics_112-122.pdfPhysics 122Course Outline: physics_122_spring_2015_course_outline.pdfProblem Set: physics_122_problem_set_2014-2015.pdfPhysics Handbook: jmh_physics_handbook.pdfResource: https://dl.dropboxusercontent....YouTube Videos:Physics 122 YouTube PlaylisteText: jmh_science_physics_112-122.pdfSummary of Physics Concepts:physics_concepts.pdfPhysical Science Concepts:physical_science_concepts.pdfPhysics Study Guide:physics_flexbook_study_guides.pdfPhysical Science 10Course Outline: science_10_spring_2015_course_outline.pdfPhysical Science Concepts:physical_science_concepts.pdfSummary of Physics Concepts: physics_concepts.pdfFlexbook Resource: jmh_physical_science_10_etextbook.pdfResource: 9Resource: Recommended and Useful Apps: **Important Note**  Student are allowed to use a personal device to view/read course content in this class.  These devices can be their phone (iPhone, Blackberry, Samsung, etc), tablet (iPad, iPod, Acer, Hipstreet, etc) , or laptop.  If bringing any of these to school please guard them carefully and remember to abide by school policy of regarding the use of such devices.  If you do not want to use your own device I will try to get a few netbooks for the classroom.iOS/Apple Products:  To save and view a course document you must have an app installed capable of opening .pdf file.  The iTunes store is filled with free and cheap options; a few are (some have different versions depending on your device):  GoodReader (iphone/ipad - $) Reader: (iphone/ipad - free).View this website on your device and click the file you want to save.  After it opens you should see an option to open it within a specified app.  Once opened with the app it is saved.  Repeat those steps for all the files you want.  I would allot 500 Mb for the files we would have this semester.Graphing Calculator by Desmos (free): (free or $): I and II HD ($): 100% 50% no-repeat;">CK12 Free Textbooks: Products:  You can save a file at any time to your device, but you require an app to view that file.  To save the file follow the steps listed above once you open this websit on your device.  Go to the app store on your device and download the free Adobe Reader app (  There may be many others but this app worked well for me.

Posted: January 7, 2015

Phyiscs 112 Period 1 & 4Drafts are due today without penalty and will not be accepted after tomorrow (Thursday, Jan. 8/2015).Final project write ups and videos are due Monday, January 12. physics_112_course_project.pdfBelow are the reviews for exam preparation (exam schedule will be released within a week).Course Review #1: position_velocity_review.pdfCourse Review #2: review_2_acceleration.pdfCourse Review #3: review_3_types_of_forces_review.pdfCourse Review #4: revew_4_newtons_laws.pdfMulitple Choice Review: physics112_final_exam_review_mc_full.pdfA more detailed exam breakdown will be given to students towards the end of next week.Physical Science 10 Period 3There is a JMH Science Skills Assessment Friday, Jan. 9.  This counts for course marks.We have started preparing and practicing for this assessment.Here are two practice files:science_assessment_prep.pdfgraphical_analysis.pdfWe will spend Monday and Tuesday of next week reviewing for the exam before you go back to Mr. Bowes and review chemistry.Computer Science 110/120 Period 6We are coming to a conclusion of the course as you finish your projects.You will be doing peer & self evaluations as part of your project mark.Learning Arduino: Arduino: Resources for Fall 2014 Courses

Posted: November 28, 2014

Phyiscs 112 Period 1 & 4The remainder of the course is dedicated to creating a science demonstration for use buy another teacher at a grade level of your choosing.physics_112_course_project.pdfCourse Review #1 Due Friday, Dec. 5: position_velocity_review.pdfPhysical Science 10 Period 3Acceleration and Velocity-Time graphphysical_science_10_velocity-time_graphs_nov_26.pdfphysical_science_10_acceleration_nov_24.pdfComputer Science 110/120 Period 6Deside on a project to persue with the makerspace equipment.Continue with the Arduino lessons from the kits.Learning Arduino: Arduino: Resources for Fall 2014 Courses

Posted: November 18, 2014

Phyiscs 112 Period 1Newton's Laws of MotionPage 23-24 of the Problem Set (for Wednesday)physics_112_newton_2nd_nov_14.pdfphysics_112_1st_3rd_law_nov_10.pdfDon't forget the YouTube videos ('s Laws test Friday, Nov. 28Beginning our course project Dec. 1.Physical Science 10 Period 3Position-Time graphical analysis notes: physical_science_10_position-time_to_date_nov_14.pdfTo be handed in if not complete: Position-Time Assignment: physical_science_10_position-time_assignment_nov_17-18.pdfFor Wed Nov 19: Position-Time Sketching: physical_science_10_sketching_position-time_nov_17-18.pdfPhysics 112 Period 4Newton's Laws of MotionPage 23-24 of the Problem Set (for Wednesday)physics_112_newton_2nd_nov_14.pdfphysics_112_1st_3rd_law_nov_10.pdfDon't forget the YouTube videos ('s Laws test Friday, Nov. 28Beginning our course project Dec. 1.Computer Science 110/120 Period 6Continue with the Arduino lessons from the kits.Learning Arduino: Arduino: Resources for Fall 2014 Courses

Posted: November 14, 2014

Phyiscs 112 Period 1Newton's Laws of MotionPage 23-24 of the Problem Set (for Monday & Tuesday)physics_112_newton_2nd_nov_14.pdfphysics_112_1st_3rd_law_nov_10.pdfNewton's Laws test Friday, Nov. 28Beginning our course project Dec. 1.Physical Science 10 Period 3Position-Time graphical analysis: physical_science_10_position-time_to_date_nov_14.pdfPosition-Time Assignment: physical_science_10_position-time_assignment_nov_17-18.pdfPosition-Time Sketching: physical_science_10_sketching_position-time_nov_17-18.pdfPhysics 112 Period 4Newton's Laws of MotionPage 23-24 of the Problem Set (for Monday & Tuesday)physics_112_newton_2nd_nov_14.pdfphysics_112_1st_3rd_law_nov_10.pdfNewton's Laws test Friday, Nov. 28Beginning our course project Dec. 1.Computer Science 110/120 Period 6Continue with the Arduino lessons from the kits.Learning Arduino: Arduino: Resources for Fall 2014 Courses

Posted: October 31, 2014

Phyiscs 112 Period 1Types of forces and Net force problems.Practice: #1,2 & 7 on page 19 or the problem set.physics_112_force_problems_oct_31.pdfphysics_112_force_probelms_oct_30.pdfphysics_112_force_of_friction_oct_28.pdfPhysical Science 10 Period 3Introduction to motion: Frame of reference, coordinate system, scalars & vectors.All notes to date: physical_science_10_scalars_and_vector_notes_oct_31.pdfPhysics 112 Period 4Types of forces and Net force problems.Practice: #1,2 & 7 on page 19 or the problem set.physics_112_force_problems_oct_31.pdfphysics_112_force_probelms_oct_30.pdfphysics_112_force_of_friction_oct_28.pdfComputer Science 110/120 Period 6We have begun working with the Arduino boards.  Students are following online lessons:adafruit-arduino-lesson-6-digital-inputs.pdfadafruit-arduino-lesson-5-the-serial-monitor.pdfadafruit-arduino-lesson-04-eight-leds.pdfadafruit-arduino-lesson-03-rgb-leds.pdfLearning Arduino: Arduino: Resources for Fall 2014 Courses
