Mr. T. Theriault

World Issues, Sociology, Media Studies, Digital Productions, and Journalism.

Posted: February 26, 2015

Posted: February 24, 2015

reminder to Team 1 that their first video entry is due tomorrow. Also, reminder to all students that their weekly articles are due by Friday.

Posted: February 23, 2015

Test on Unit 1, tomorrow, 24th of February, 2015.
You must have your paper in your hand for the beginning of class on Tuesday, Feb. 24th.
Microsoft Office document icon sicko_0.doc26.5 KB
Middle East Map Test Part II is Feb. 27th. Below is the doc. link to the practice sheet.

Posted: February 19, 2015

Reminder that your first articles are due tomorrow!! You must have them peer edited and done by the end of class tomorrow.
Fairy Tale Project For this assignment you are to choose a fairy tale that is public domain and record an audio story using it. You can work in groups of 2 or 3 or choose to do it on your own. Requirements: -          You are to record your own reading. -          Use at least 10 sounds in your story. -          Record at least 3 of these sounds yourself. (If not recorded yourself sounds must be copyright free.) Organization: 10           Mic’ing: 10           Quality: 10              Value: 30
In this Introduction to Digital Sound assignment you will create a “Microphones for Dummies” presentation/guide. Be creative and use your skills you have developed in this course so far to create pictures for your examples, instructions, etc. You will need to explain: Dynamic Microphones \ Condenser Microphones  > Their uses and differences Ribbon Microphones   /   What is a frequency? What is frequency response? Why is it important in understanding microphones and different mic’ing situations?   What is Directionality? - Omnidirectional - Bidirectional - Unidirectional You can use the following link for help:

Posted: October 15, 2014

  Digital Productions  120 -  “ There are many basic concepts that underlie the field of design.  Just like any good rules, they have to be learned and understood before they can be broken.  Keeping these fundamental rules in mind when designing a graphic art project will make your project much more interesting, visually appealing and easy to consume.” – Robin Martin, 2014   Although other principles of design exist, the 4 that we are going to focus on and discuss are Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity.    Using the internet as a resource, define each of the 4 design principles.  Why are these principles important?  Find an example of a photo online that uses each principle.  Save each photo.   Another important concept that you will come across in Digital Imaging is the Rule of Thirds.  Give a detailed explanation of the Rule of Thirds   Put all of this information in a PowerPoint   Your PowerPoint should include the following:   -          Title Slide - Your name, Digital Technologies, Date (Value 1)   -          4 Slides - Each slide should contain a definition of one of the Principles and a supporting picture. (Value 12)   -          1 Slide - Should contain a detailed explanation of the Rule of Thirds and a supporting picture. (Value 2)   Total 6 Slides - Value 15   Use the following website as a resource.  Do not use any of the pictures from this file in your PowerPoint!  
Please make sure that you use copyright free images to perform the following activities.Layers activity (dog & Field) - Cut out dog and add to field picture.  Find 3 other pictures and add them to your project.  Add your name in 2 Text layers to your projects with various effects to your layout. Value:  15 Lighthouse Project - Use crop tool to rotate picture and make it straight.  Use clone stamp to remove unwanted people from picture. lighthouse.jpg       - Value:  5 Old Man  - Remove blemishes and fix the right eye. Using clone stamp/healing tool  OR polygonal lasso. Value: 10 Dinosaur - Using the tools you have been practicing with, erase the man in the picture AND the two smaller dinosaurs in the lower left. Pay close attention to the textures and make them as seamless as possible. Value:  10Here is the link to the images:


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Dec 2 2015


Added: Thu, Mar 28 2019