Mr. Trevors

Civics 10 / English LA

Posted: April 26, 2020

For this Analysis YOU will choose a piece of art that YOU like!  It can be a piece of traditional art that could be found in an Art Gallery OR it can be –


the cover from your favourite CD,

Vinyl Album Cover,

Video Game,

Movie Poster,


Art in your House,

or something I haven’t thought of!

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to answer the following questions after you have chosen your art piece:

1. What is the art from and why did you choose it? (Include the name of the piece, date, name of the game, album, movie, so I can find it to have a look.)

2. How did you discover this art? (By chance? Did you search it out? Favourite movie, music, game?)

3. What is it about this artwork that appeals to you?  (BE SPECIFIC! Explain what it is in detail why this works for you.)

Please use full and complete sentences and provide LOTS of information! The more you can describe and why, the better picture I will get!

Email me your responses -

Posted: April 19, 2020

The Miramichi is known the world over for many things... Timber, world class Salmon fishing (and now Stripped Bass), and for it's ties to Ireland.  Your task for this week is to try your hand at drawing Celtic Knots.  

Watch the video on basic knot drawing and practice a few until you have it.  Then try some of the more complicated ones found in the Web Links tab above.

 Video #1 - Beginner Celtic Knots

Video #2 - Linked Hearts

Video #3 - Celtic Cross

You can find more Videos by Searching for "Celtic Design David Nicholls" on YouTube.

Take your time and remember to draw lightly until you are happy with your lines. Then you can darken them up.

You will be able to do several attempts on a sheet of paper.  Once you have the technique down, try to make more and more complicated designs. Feel Free to add colour to your designs.  The only limit is your imagination!

Posted: April 13, 2020

Art Analysis

Step #1

Please go to the documents tab above to access the Art Analysis document.  This is the same one we have used before in class.

Step #2

In the Galleries tab, you will find the Art for today’s analysis.  Here is the info you need for the painting:

Title: Horse and Train

Artist: Alex Colville

Year: 1954

Location: Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario


Step #3

Look closely at the painting.  Examine closely what you see.  Then go to the following website and read about the painting.


Step #4

Complete the Art Analysis work pages and save them as HorseTrain.  Then email your finished pages to me.

Instructions on how to attach a file to an email can be found under the Documents tab above.

Posted: April 13, 2020

Art Analysis Worksheets.  Place the Cursor where you want to begin typing.

Please use full and complete sentences in your answers!

File art_analysis_work_sheets.docx13.08 KB

Posted: April 13, 2020

The process is pretty much the same for all email programs:

  • Open a new email message window, usually by clicking the "New Message" or "Compose Email" icon or the CTRL + N keyboard shortcut.
  • Click on the menu item with a paperclip icon that says "Attach a file" or something similar (e.g., "Attach Files")
  • Browse through your computer's folders and click to select the files/folders you want to attach. In most cases, you can select multiple files by holding down the CTRL key while clicking on each file.
  • Click the "Open" or "Choose File" or another similar button to attach the file to your email.
  • Then continue composing your email (put the email address of the person you want to send the attachment to in the To: field, add a subject and message in the body, and hit Send).


File email_attachments.docx13.71 KB

Posted: April 13, 2020

Title: Horse and Train

Artist: Alex Colville

Year: 1954

Location: Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario

Posted: April 5, 2020

Hey Guys!  Welcome to the Home Learning Phase of your education. 

As you are all aware, our time in class at school, has come to an abrupt stop, but learning will continue!  This Teacher Page is where you will find information about activities you can do to continue your Visual Arts Activities.  If you notice, just above, there are tabs labeled Notes, Documents, Weblinks, Galleries, Video, Audio.  It will be in these areas that you will find materials and resources you will need in the coming days and weeks.

You will be able to reach me with questions and stuff by e-mail (it comes right to my phone, and submit work at:

Please send me a quick note in the next few days to say that you have seen this notice and let me know what your preferred email address is and with any questions you might have.  I will do my best to provide answers for you.

For username or password problems, send a text message to IT at 506-210-0127 or email

Talk soon!

Mr. T

Posted: March 31, 2020

If you need to reach me, you can do so by the following means:

E-mail -


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Jun 3 2020