Mme. Maillet - Archive Notes

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Posted: June 8, 2011

Today is the last day you have to complete your final project at the computer lab. You will present tomorrow, Thursday June 9th. All the information you need is on my teacher's page (Monday June 6th). To help you remember your sentences, I suggest you write your personalized sentences on the attached file demarche from the 3 attached files on my Monday note. You can print it if the printer is working.   For the supply: *Check at the office for the booked computer labs. All my classes are going to the computer labs today. 8:00-8:25 Supervision lounge/cafeteria   8:25-9:25 Preparation   9:30-10:30 FRENCH 10 PERIOD 2 Student are going to the computer lab to complete their final movie project. If they're not done the last writing assignement, they can complete that also and hand it in.   10:35-11:35 FRENCH 10 PERIOD 3 Same lesson plan as period 2.   12:03-12:30 Supervision lounge/cafeteria   12:35-1:35 FRENCH 9 PERIOD 4 Student are going to the computer lab to complete their final tv show project. If they're not done the last writing assignement, they can complete that also and hand it in.   1:40-2:10 Study Block Students have to fill out a survey (it's on the 3rd shelf of my bookshelf in a beige folder). You can bring it at the office after school.   2:15-3:15 FRENCH 10 PERIOD 6 Same lesson plan as period 2.

Posted: June 6, 2011

Hi everyone! Well, it's already the last week of class!! So you have one more project to complete for French class, the Final One :) This being said, this project is due this Thurday, June 9th 2011. This project is a presentation and you will be evaluated on your speaking skills. You have to create a visual persentation (ex: PowerPoint). This presentation is individual because it is very short, about 5-6 slides. We are going to the computer lab. today, Tuesday and Wednesday ONLY. You will have plenty of time to complete your work for Thursday.   I attached the rubric, outline and an example to this note ;)

Posted: June 6, 2011

Hi everyone! Well, it's already the last week of class!! So you have one more project to complete for French class, the Final One :) This being said, this project is due this Thurday, June 9th 2011. This project is a presentation and you will be evaluated on your speaking skills. You have to create a visual persentation (ex: PowerPoint). This presentation is individual because it is very short, about 5-6 slides. We are going to the computer lab. Tuesday and Wednesday ONLY. You will have plenty of time to complete your work for Thursday.   I attached the rubric, outline and an example to this note ;)    Have a great day!

Posted: May 16, 2011

Hello everyone!! I hope you are all having a great day so far  :D The first thing you must finish today is your movie project. REMINDER: This project is due tomorrow, Wednesday May 18th. You will present your work to the class. When you are done, you must complete the assignment attached to this note. You have to name two horror movies and explain 3-4 special effects in both films.  Then, you must compare the differences and similarities with the special effects. Write complete French sentences. This is individual work and it's due next Tuesday, May 24th.   I'll see you all tomorrow, aurevoir!!  
Microsoft Office document icon activite_de_recherche_films.doc21.5 KB

Posted: May 13, 2011

Hello everyone! So I attached an example to describe the special effects in your movie. So the example is there to help you, but don't copy word for word.   Have a good one!
File exemple_deffet_speciaux.pptx68.48 KB

Posted: May 11, 2011

Good Wednesday everyone!! So, we're finally starting the first project of the movie unit. The project outline and rubric is attached to this note. Today, you have to complete: the cover page, the names of the actors and characters (3-4) and the type of movie.  Remember, you must write complete French sentences and do not use online translators. You can use online dictionaries or you can simply ask me!   Have a great class :)

Posted: April 26, 2011

Hello! This activity is a research you have to do on the Internet. It's indiviual work and everybody must hand-in their work at the end of class. You must print the activity sheet to do your work. Don't forget to write your name. This is due Thursday, April 28th.  Remember to write your answers in complete French sentences.   Have fun :) 

Posted: April 21, 2011

TV show survey: This assignement is due next Tuesday, April 26th 2011. You need to fill out the sheet that was given to you this week (Tuesday).

Posted: April 1, 2011

The final music project is due next Wednesday, April 6th 2011.  Take note that you need to complete your written paragraphs and create a visual representation of the emotion for your project. 
This assignment is due next Tuesday, April 5th 2011.  You have to find 9 commercials and fill out the activity sheet. There is an  example to get you started.

Posted: March 28, 2011

Here is an example of the final music project on PowerPoint.  The emotion of this presentation is ''solitude'' and you need to personalize each paragraph for your project.  If possible, try to create new and simple sentences.  
Office presentation icon exemple_projet_final_musique.ppt168.5 KB

Posted: March 25, 2011

Next week, you will work on your visual representation for your final project.  This being said, think about what you want to create to represent the emotion and bring to school whatever you need to start your work. (Ex: bristleboard, markers, playdough, photos, etc.) 

Posted: March 24, 2011

You can print and use the outline and the rubric to guide yourself through the completion of the final music project.

Posted: March 14, 2011

This is a reminder to students that the music presentation (mini projet 2) will take place Wednesday March 16th 2011.