Mr. Martin - Archive - 09/2012 Notes

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Posted: December 6, 2010

Eng 111 - Creative extensions are due tomorrow. Short story unit gets underway this week. Eng 112 - Poetry notes and first lyric poems have been handed out - be sure to see me if you are not in class this week.

Posted: November 29, 2010

Eng 111 - Final essays and creative extensions have been assigned for Friday, Dec. 3rd and Monday, Dec, 6th respectively. Eng 112 - Social Commentary Music Assignment Due Friday, December 3rd. to pass in (draft, a copy of the lyrics, good copy with a works cited page):   A two page (minimum) personal response written in MLA format to a song of your choosing (it must have a social commentary vibe and be class appropriate). Your response should be written in essay form and address all or more of the following questions:   - What is significant about the title? (how does it go with the song? Offer an alternative title) - Why did you pick this example? - What is the message the author is trying to get across to the audience? (the message) - What words or phrases create vivid imagery and feeling in the audience? (the audience is you) - Choose specific lyrics, break them down, paraphrase what they are saying in your own words. - Write a brief music review of why the song is important in our world and why it is important to you! Describe why it is a superb lyrical composition and worthy of a spot in our iTunes library.   THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE SOMETHING POETIC. CHOOSE WISELY. KEEP IT CLASS APPROPRIATE. *If you work individually, you pass the assignment in. If you have a partner (approved by me) you will PRESENT your music project to the class.  

Posted: November 26, 2010

Eng 111 - Final essays and creative extensions have been assigned for Friday, Dec. 3rd and Monday, Dec, 6th respectively. Eng 112 - Research essays are due on Monday, Nov. 29th. Remember to consult if you need help constructing your MLA formatted works cited page or if you forget how to cite your sources "in text". No exceptions, no excuses.

Posted: November 24, 2010

Eng 111 - students are working on their final assignments for Romeo & Juliet. Eng 112 - students are working on their research essay on their personal five wonders. NEW Due date on Monday, November 29th. Follow the MLA format in the writing of this essay.
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Posted: November 18, 2010

Eng 112 - Your research essay has been assigned. Read the expository essay included ("Seven Wonders" by Lewis Thomas) and write your own research essay of no less than 500 words. The assignment sheet is attached. Due date: Friday, Nov. 26th

Posted: November 16, 2010

Eng 111 - Creative extensions for Act 4 are due Thursday. Act 4 test is on Wednesday. Eng 112 - Persuasive essay is due on Thursday.

Posted: November 12, 2010

Eng 111 - Creative extension for Act 4 has been assigned. Act 4 test on Wednesday, extension due Thursday. Eng 112 - Persuasive essay has been assigned. Pick a topic this weekend and begin your pro/con pre-writing. The length of the essay is between 400-500 words DUE THURSDAY, NOV. 18th NOW THAT YOU ARE AN EXPERT IN PERSUASION, YOU ARE TO WRITE A 400 - 500 WORD ESSAY ON A TOPIC THAT HAS MORE THAN ONE SIDE (controversial? Sure! Just keep it class appropriate)  STEPS: Pre-writing - Organize your PRO arguements and CON Start writing a draft! Start as close as possible to your reading/research Do not concern yourself with grammar or spelling (IN YOUR DRAFT) ·Write your first paragraph ·Introduce the topic ·Inform the reader of your point of view! ·Entice the reader to continue with the rest of the paper! ·Focus on three main points to develop ·In EACH Body Paragraph: ·Use a TOPIC SENTENCE ·Use a “Con, Pro, Strongest Pro” strategy in your body ·Stay focused on your point of view throughout the essay ·Focus on logical arguments ·Don't lapse into summary ·Conclusion ·Summarize, then conclude, your argument ·Refer to the first paragraph/opening statement as well as the main points ·does the conclusion restate the main ideas? ·reflect the succession and importance of the arguments ·logically conclude their development?  

Posted: November 9, 2010

Eng 112 / Eng 111 - as per yesterday

Posted: November 8, 2010

Eng 112 - Expository essays were handed in today, your 200-250 word descriptive essay has been assigned. It is due on FRIDAY, NOV. 12th. Eng 111 - Act 4 questions have been assigned for scenes 1 and 2.

Posted: November 3, 2010

Writing 110 - your mid-term writing project has been assigned. Develop one or more of your characters for Monday. First deadline is Friday, Nov. 12th. Eng 111 - Act 3 extensions are finished. Read Act 4, scenes 1, 2 Eng 112 - Expository essay has been assigned, due: Monday, Nov. 8th.

Posted: October 29, 2010

Eng 111, 112 - as per yesterday. Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Posted: October 28, 2010

Eng 111 - Creative extensions for Act 3 have been handed out. Due date is Wednesday, November 3rd. Eng 112 - Project due dates have been pushed to Monday, Nov. 1st to ensure students give their best effort possible. (you're welcome!)

Posted: October 26, 2010

Eng 111 - finish reading Act 3 and complete the questions. Eng 112 - Short Story Project is due on Friday!

Posted: October 25, 2010

Writing 110 - Journals are to be passed in on Tuesday. Eng 111 - Read Act 3, scenes 3 and 4 (question sheets were handed out in class today) Eng 112 - Your short story unit project was assigned on Thursday. Due date is Friday, Oct. 29th

Posted: October 22, 2010

Writing 110 - Journals are to be passed in on Tuesday. Eng 111 - Read Act 3, scenes 1 and 2 (question sheets were handed out in class today) Eng 112 - Your short story unit project was assigned - you must submit a detailed proposal on Monday.  
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